Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Rainy day

the sun rises 
behind white splattered clouds
like dry sands etched on beach sky

in the pale light
cars and trucks cross the familiar roads
like busy yellow bees in crowded city hive

a cloudy day is the forecast
spring is now wet earth and moist fields
like exploding red roses blooming the garden 

it has been year since i planted them,
hardly breathing during winter spell,
but sturdy roots and thorns thrived, faithful to spring 

now as rain pelts my car windows
like giant waves rocking boat in the sea,
i think about red roses and thousand seeds on ground    

budding, growing, spreading arms to touch the sun     

Written for Theme Thursday:  Full Circle :   My red roses are in full bloom.
and Poetry Jam:   Water:   It was really raining hard today.

picture credit:   here


  1. Nice! I love roses too; the spring id really beauty!

  2. This is truly beautiful, Grace!

  3. fill bloom...nice play on the full instead of the set the scene really well in this grace, it has rained a bit each day this week....spring is upon us and the back and forth...lovely roses..

  4. Rain can do many things, although too much of it I hate, like the pic with it coming down too.

  5. you have written it so beautifully Ms.Grace..capturing my emotions as I read them and I love the photo ;)

  6. Lovely, moving poem, and such stunning roses!

  7. I love roses too...hope, spring, life. Graceful..:)

  8. Roses are more difficult to grow out here where I live ... you are quite lucky to have them! Nice write!!

  9. Oh I hear you - this is the rainiest most endless gray-skied spring EVER. My flowers are actually drowning in their little tubs. Love the reflective tone of this poem, and the images of the busy traffic, the 'sturdy roots and thorns, faithful to spring". Lovely writing.

  10. Love the visual here, Grace! We had a hard rain here yesterday. I'm grateful b/c last year we were in a drought.

  11. Beautiful! I have a tiny red rose bush that I planted years ago that keeps alive year after year, and it always amazes me.

  12. Lovely description of spring and I hope you enjoy your seasons with the roses!

  13. It rained today in my neck of the woods. All the foliage looked beautiful with rain drops.

  14. Your first stanza makes me picture a painter throwing paint on a canvas from a brush. Vivid. The entire poem is vivid, sensual, arousing. Well done.

  15. faithful to spring like I am to winter!

  16. Beautiful picture and a really nice poem!:)

  17. "but sturdy roots and thorns thrived, faithful to spring"

    I SO love this line!!! Such an excellent way to close your poem, too!
    Much enjoyed!

  18. The rain gives hope that the sun will appear very soon! Good poem!!!

  19. Wow! I could see the colors and smell the rain in this. The photo goes along beautifully with it.

  20. Beautifully done Grace! I could almost feel the rain falling on me. Really enjoyed the line "sturdy roots and thorns thrived, faithful to spring." Also love the hope in the last line. Nice

  21. Truly the rain from ur words...


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