On lush greens and yellows
I perch on a branch
filled with nectar & insects
Flowers bloom in summer sun
from my wandering bill,
as wings beat rapidly in the air
Racing heartbeats,
I fly backward and forward
like spider weaving silken magic
Until tiredness weighs like stones,
I rest,
tiny gardener in
land of giants
Posted for Poetry Jam - We are to write from the point of view of an animal--any animal but a human. Well I received this painting of the hummingbird in the mail today from Kim Nelson, so I wanted to write and express my thanks for a wonderful painting. Thanks Kim ~
and Flash Fiction Friday 55 - A post in 55 words for the G-man.
Hummingbirds do not spend all day flying, as the energy cost would be prohibitive; the majority of their activity consists simply of sitting or perching. Hummingbirds feed in many small meals, consuming many small invertebrates and up to twelve times their own body weight in nectar each day. They spend an average of 10–15% of their time feeding and 75–80% sitting and digesting.