i see birds by my window tree,
dappled in leaves & sun
how freely they glide about
in the gentle morning light-
my thoughts flew to
what my 2nd son told me last night:
he lined up amidst the Toronto crowd,
to get a "hug" from a woman-
who is she, I asked, imagining
maybe she is like
godmother fairy with a magical wand or
a royal pink-cheeked princess, but no
she is 50 year old plus woman & her gift is
a "hug"
for less than 10 seconds &
he said that he felt
that the whole world
hugged him back --
i quickly googled the name, AMMA & saw
a mother's face, grayish hair
with black eyes & red/white third eye between brows-
white garbed like a dove-
she is considered the living
"Hugging Saint" from India, known for her
charitable work, and university for 17000 students -
people enthrust her with money, to do what
governments with red tape & protocol can't do,
building a formidable empire in US/worldwide -
she is here for a 4 day weekend,
giving away her blessings freely
like mother nature, i said-
thinking of summer burnishing the garden in colors -
we shouldn't treat people like
Gods because they provide us with our needs, my hubby warns
& i recall cult-like groups getting money from poor & gullible &
slyly building big mansions in exclusive villages, mistaking
their power to be exclusive from God, egos swelling
high up in their gold gilded churches -
but don't we play God in our own lives -
when I swat a fly to death or dust away the spider's web -
or when a skilled doctor saves the life of a frail child
and a grateful mother kneels at his feet -
we all have these circles of energy & light with/
in, to uplift others like seeds in the wind-
maybe what the world needs
is not another enchanted kingdom or castle
with a prince with a sharper sword & bigger white horse
but just
a mother's tender embrace -
a wordless hug -