Monday, March 23, 2020

a symphony at the park

blue sky, fresh cool wind,
afternoon sun on my face -
seagulls shriek, trumpets
over empty streets & tracks
above stadiums deadly quiet

ducks swimming in ponds
geese swooping from sky, thunder-
bolts of wings, symphony
of robins and cardinals -

magical season, i am spring

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub -Quadrille, hosted by Linda Lyberg.   This is a 44 word post, with the given word,  MAGIC.    Pub doors open at 3pm EST.   

Thursday, March 19, 2020

today, i am a daffodil

the world is a globe
of swirling dust & dead leaves
covering the streets
empty of cars & bustle of city

i hold it, slanting
to where a single sheen of light
glows & spreads
its palette of hues & birdsongs

tiny buds of daffodils,
moss & wild blooms
are birthing, babbling
with smell of earthworms

rhythm of life surges, swells
with measured beats
listening to ancient call of earth
                                                      & i follow

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - OpenLinkNight - We are open to read your poems.   Come and join us when our virtual doors open at 3pm EST.   Stay safe and healthy.

Monday, March 9, 2020

at the turn of clock, ontario lake is

gorgeous in blue
stirring the swans, ducks
& birds in flight

cool wind rocks sassy dance
with sky & shoreline
undulating in endless
churning waves & foam

spring arrives (here)
mapping seeds, vines & petals
tilting our faces to brighter days

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Quadrille - 44 word post.  The word for today is STIR.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Spring wishes

Spring showers, wild honeycombs, bed of seeds
Swirl last snowflake to dust, grey to green buds
Our skin is pale moon under pewter sky   
Spring showers, wild honeycombs, bed of seeds 
Soak our words with birdsongs, maple & spice 
Our faces are flowers, dewed by dusk

Posted for dVerse OpenLink Night - Join us when the pub doors open by 3pm EST.
Thanks for the visit and comments.