Thursday, December 15, 2022

december winter


I. before the sun sets

sunlight swells as mushroom

above skeleton-boned trees

so warm as maple syrup

yet so brief as a passing cloud

i savor its divineness

breathing in the blessed heat

bestowing stillness

a gift 

II. freezing rain

snowflakes on wooden porch

sparkly white diamonds

that turns into black ice rain


i slipped & fell

as the bird falling from the nest

effortless as a paper, breaking bones

how i wish i could have scooped it up

breathing wind into its wings & eyes

i tread carefully now

missing the birdsongs in the garden


Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Zen Poetry, which I am hosting as our last post for 2022.  Join us when the virtual pub doors open at 3pm EST. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!  

Thursday, December 1, 2022

an infinity of endings


you....   get roller coaster nightmares

(&) mutiny of blues & fire storm

-perfect for star-gazing-

for this gnarled gardener's hands

you...... forget - life is now - leaps into

empyrean of sunlight on fading grass

with the eyes of a child -

i inhale.... sweetness of soap & sunshine

of solitude 

Sunday is <lost> in books & clouds, forgetting time & Monday

i sink.... into blur lake bottom

you and i mirror yesterday>>>> in a swoop

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - MTB - In my end is my beginning, hosted by Laura Bloomsbury.   I have taken the endings of my poems for the last months, and rewritten them into a new poem.