Monday, August 27, 2012

Shadorma poems

                                                                "Bougainvillean Dreams"

you hold me
pale as crushed petals
paper dry
fading, but   
on pink bed of your soft hands, 
my dreams bloom, bold red



tiny leaf 
awakens, pulsing, 
growing faith
face to the sun, shoulders straight, 
  an oak tree rises 


"Bee in a Bottlebrush"

Drink from me
deep to my marrow
where the seeds
flaming red
scatter the fragrance and tears  
of a wounded heart

Posted for Imaginary Garden with Real Toads:  OpenLinkNight - Monday
and D'verse Poets Pub:  OpenLinkNight - Tuesday
Poetry Form:  Shadorma

The Shadorma is:
1. a hexastich, a poem in 6 lines
2. syllabic, 3-5-3-3-7-5 syllables per line.
3. unrhymed.

Photography credit:   Jamie Clark


  1. These are all beautiful, Grace. My favorite, however, is the second one. Love picturing the oak tree rising from the small seed. Lots of hope in this short poem.

  2. My heart lifted with the first, soared with the second, and then scattered with the third hoping by such sacrifice to leave you whole.

  3. Gorgeous! Well Done Grace...
    I have to try this again!
    Yours contain magic

  4. oh, i like the bold red dreams best.

  5. Mmm... What a beautiful blossoming! And all from a dream.
    I'm as lost as robert service on all these fancy styles, but i love their beauty.
    Especially the fullness of the last one.

  6. I loved all of these, and how one can see oneself in the flowers. I thought the last was amazing, but enjoyed each one.

  7. Brought the flowers alive, blossoming through your words.

  8. These are really lovely, Grace. Each accompanies its photo perfectly.

  9. scatter the fragrance and tears
    of a wounded heart


  10. Lovely - I think I especially like the first- very pretty poems, a nice form that works well for you.


  11. in your hands my dreams bloom...that is beautiful in your opening one....made me smile.....some really great lines here grace...

  12. Unrhymed, and yet sweetly read.

  13. These are beautiful, Grace. I love the devotion in the first one. Sigh...

  14. These are wonderful! I love poems about the natural world. Thanks....

  15. Nature is so kewl..... nicely spun

  16. I love the second one...I really feel the minuteness growing large upon each building line. Really beautiful Shadormas Grace!!

  17. A new form of poem .... wow ... Good one ... I will love to try this form too :-)

  18. I love the contrast of red on pink in the first.

  19. I adore the first one... and thank you for introducing me to Shadorma...

  20. the second about an oak tree is the favorite of mine, i adore them all though...always a delight to read you. thank you for sharing~~

  21. Beautiful, Heaven...the first is my favourite. Thank you for reminding me about this form...been ages since I've written a shadorma :)

  22. These are each lovely but, I really like the last one most. Some really lovely lines here and, they do each compliment the pictures so well.

  23. Replies
    1. Poetic Grace

      She creates
      in delicate lines
      words to fit
      bright blossoms
      turning them to metaphors
      for love and faith and sorrow.

    2. This is so lovely ~ Thank you ~

  24. Gorgeous--especially love the first one.

  25. I had read yours grace yesterday, but it wouldn't let me comment. I guess today I have the abracadabra word! lol They are all such exquisite little gems of poems. AMAZING is a good description for your work too. I plan to revisit and see much more of what you do. the flower one where you use the image as a symbol of a relationship are my favorites, and the last one with the bee is my very favorite. It is so romantic and heart-felt.

  26. Love these. Especially the first and last, red bookends.

  27. These are beautiful. I love the use of color throughout the series.

  28. Beautifully and shardomas.

  29. i like them all but the third is my fav i think...the drinking and seeds scattered from a wounded heart..

  30. Grace, these are all so wonderful! I love that bougainvilla poem, that's it exactly--dry paper, but not. The bottlebrush-drink from me, deep to my marrow--what a visual! Love it

  31. Caresse, faith and generosity.
    Lovely haiku trinity, Grace, the third one the most touching to me.
    Bougainvilleas are my fav flowers and "paper dry" is an accurate description of their petals, yes.

  32. Ah, shadormas! I love 'em - and your pictures...

  33. Grace, really an excellent collection of poetry here. Love the perfect image choices you picked to accompany each verse. Thanks for the form explanations as well, will have to give a try. Again, very nicely penned. Thanks

  34. Lovely verses that thoroughly do justice to the beauty and the magic of their subject.

  35. Grace,
    These are marvelous compositions, so complete in their brevity, so vibrant in the images you portray. My favorite is number two, the notion of growth, evolution. Fine pieces, all of them.

  36. It's not a form I'm familiar with - nicely done. Three times.

  37. Beautiful. Love the shadorma, and these are very well done. I especially love:
    "scatter the fragrance and tears
    of a wounded heart"


  38. In case I did not comment here yesterday...

    "... face to the sun, shoulders straight,
    an oak tree rises..."

    And that oak tree is NOT in a hurry, nor does it worry. It realizes that one Thousand years of time is nothing. Especially when there is no such thing as 'time'.

    (and yet, it marches on--grin! ASK me!)

    There is SO much here, Heaven, and I LOVE it all.

    PEACE, Grace. In 'our' time, and after!

  39. These are awesome. Love that last one!

  40. I love Shadorma - these meet the requirements but feel a little like tanka as well. The emphasis on nature quite beautiful.

  41. Cool format and one you do extremely well. I love the title of bee in a Bottlebush and the pic is really cool. Hope you are well luv....great job as always.

  42. I like all of these, but especially the first one, with the opening line creating a tension and sense of warmth that sets the scene for the rest.

  43. Artful, sweet, perfect... you are great!

  44. Its great to see that people are sharing quite profitable information with each other and now we can move our selves to a new era.


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