Wednesday, August 8, 2012

The long weekend

                                                       Lakeshore @Everyday Amazing

boats on the moorings,
white and weaving on afternoon lake

while geese and graceful swans
swim lazily on shorelines carved with stones

on this day, families bike and walk around,
some with picnic baskets and colorful mats to embrace the sun  

young children and teens are running in the field
while elders and women gossip under shaded trees

beyond the lake, the city skyline glitters  
but it looks so faraway, as eager feet soak the water

we recall beach holidays and weekend gatherings,
places we like to visit still, as we snap pictures of the day         

like the gulls and geese, the children will soon fly away 
from the nest, eager to spread their wings

but for now, we are stitching these images:   
summer sun, ebb and flow of the tide, cool breeze  

we anchor our feet to what matters the most :  
the gift of family  

Posted for Poetry Jam:  What Do I Value Most - My daughter took this picture of our lake over the long weekend.  Also for Theme Thursday:  Recollections


  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend, Grace, and your words remind me of many of my own.
    Children never forget such weekends.

  2. It sounds as if you shared a lovely time. The water looks gorgeous. Very nice poem Grace, really lovely imagery even without that beautiful pic.

  3. Yes that is truly what matter most, and a fun time was had near the coast.

  4. Oh yes! You nailed it Grace, and I love that phrase "stitching these images"
    A beautiful poem and value :-)

  5. "but for now, we are stitching these images:" I like that line. Very pleasant piece on family.

  6. We anchor our feet to what matters most... I loved that line. And you're right... the kids are gone from the nest before you know it... Lovely poem.

  7. How restful your poem feels to me despite all of its activities. And it is a great gift of family--I have a box full of memories that I still dip in for the treasures I find there. (Even if a lot of "stuff" happened, the treasures do too.) I especially like how you got from boats floating and:
    "while geese and graceful swans
    swim lazily on shorelines carved with stones"
    "like the gulls and geese, the children will soon fly away
    from the nest, eager to spread their wings"
    And then your last 4 lines are exquisite.

  8. Gift of family ... truly that's what matters the most :-)

  9. wonderful grace...i love the serenity in the moment and in the memories...and anchoring yourself in is what is most important....your imagery just makes me smile and want to sit for a bit...

  10. Just beautiful, Grace. I do think that those time with family will live in everyone's heart and soul forever. You are making memories, anchoring family, with these times. And your poem will also be a reminder to them all as well...someday.

  11. nice ending to the poem, my dear

  12. So lovely... especially:

    like the gulls and geese, the children will soon fly away
    from the nest, eager to spread their wings

    but for now, we are stitching these images:
    summer sun, ebb and flow of the tide, cool breeze

    we anchor our feet to what matters the most :
    the gift of family

  13. A beautiful image, positive and well drawn! Carpe diem! :-)

  14. you have painted such an idyllic day of family, fun, and nature.....I went that way too....

  15. like the gulls and geese, the children will soon fly away
    from the nest, eager to spread their wings

    but for now, we are stitching these images:
    summer sun, ebb and flow of the tide, cool breeze

    I LOVE these lines. Gorgeous write.

  16. I agree with others here about so many great lines in this poem and lots of truth in it too. I remember when we used to go to the lake and have so many members of the family together. It was truly a wonderful time. Then the boats got sold, next the jet ski's and I just noticed the other day that my life vest is still hanging in the closet. Maybe someday we will get new jet ski's and be able to go out on the lakes again.

    I think it is also wonderful that you are making so many memories as a family because you are right that there is nothing more important than family. I love every moment I get to spend with family, especially the grandkids.

    Thanks for sharing such a great moment in time with us for this weeks Theme Thursday recollections. Really cool!

    God bless.

  17. Coming from a huge family, I can honestly say that I don't know what I'd do without them. Family is important. Great poem!

  18. You paint a serene picture here. So many details to take in. The last three stanzas tug at the heartstrings-so true. Enjoy the day :)

  19. wonderful, Grace!

    so happy you joined in at Poetry Jam!

  20. Loved the images here...tranquil and peaceful.

  21. A great addition to your daily journal of how your weekend went..a forever memory!

  22. Very sweet, Grace! There truly is nothing more precious than our families, loved this little moment with yours.

  23. So very true and beautifully expressed. I can hear the seagulls, the lapping waves, and laughing children.


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