Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wishing tree

Photography Credit:   Ella's Edge

This is where our wishes grow 
One leaf at a time, evergreen and bold   
Slowly unfurling its golden flecks to the sun 

This is where our dreams flourish 
One wing at a time, crimson and daring
Stretching wide as the blue summer sky

This is where our words ripen 
One season at a time, pungent with seeds
Blossoming yellow and russet in autumn wind   

This is where our hopes dance  
One footstep at a time, swirling to music   
Awakening fire in weary limbs and cold feet

This is where our eyes pause at night  
Giving grace to imperfect days,  
Accepting storms of life, cherishing simple joys  

This is where our wishes grow 
One leaf at a time, evergreen and bold   
Slowly unfurling its golden flecks to the sun 

Posted for:   Imaginary Garden with Real Toads:   Ella's Edge
and Poetry Jam - Genre - Literature/Fantasy


  1. And hopefully forever more they will spread and not fal off and wither away, have to keep going for them at our bay.

    1. Well I hope so...thanks Pat for the visit ~

  2. Grace, this is just beautiful. The picture really spoke to you. I enjoyed every stanza, but if I had to choose a favorite it would be this one:

    "This is where our words ripen
    One season at a time, pungent with seeds
    Blossoming yellow and russet in autumn wind "

    1. Yes, the pictures are amazing...Thanks for the lovely words Mary ~

  3. Wouldn't that be so cool, to have our wishes grow one leaf at a time. Lovely imagery Grace :)

  4. Full of wisdom, beautifully written.

  5. lovely grace...some wonderful imagery....really just a great grace to the imperfect that...the dancing....lovely really...smiles.

    1. I like that line too ~ Thanks for the visit and support Brian ~

  6. This is just beautiful! Your words would make a lovely card for someone special.

  7. Beautiful and uplifting, grace
    Tho my hopes have two left feet these days
    But giving place to the birth of dreams, might give me some
    Many lovely lines to enjoy

    1. Thanks Rick for the lovely words and visit ~

  8. Is ...amazing and beauty! Touch me lol

  9. How peaceful: leaf, wing, season, footstep, grace--one at a time, to grow, flourish, ripen, dance, and pause--and all the goodness of humanity can move forward at the wishing tree. Love it, like a chant, like a graceful dance.

  10. I love what you have done with the prompt! The magic and union of the spirit of each season as it dances through us and alters our spirit! Wonderful to read...
    My favorite is:
    "This is where our words ripen
    One season at a time, pungent with seeds
    Blossoming yellow and russet in autumn wind"

    Your words inspire art ;D Makes me want to create something else~

  11. Very very beautiful writing......and once you had named it, I saw the wishing tree in the picture.

    1. "swirling to music
      Awakening fire in weary limbs and cold feet"

      I love this part, Grace.

  12. This is where our wishes grow
    One leaf at a time, evergreen and bold
    Slowly unfurling its golden flecks to the sun
    so beautiful......can sing this out....

  13. Lovely piece ... completely mesmerizing :-)

  14. Really like the stanza that frames the poem. There's a nice progression in the imagery you use in this piece. A thing at a time and then towards something wonderful. Optimistic, hopeful. Thank you for sharing this.

  15. I love the whimsical notion of your first stanza, how it invites us to embark on a journey through the subsequent lines to find ourselves back at the beginning again. Such a meaningful interpretation of the image.

  16. What a wonderful places for wishes! Excellent poem, thanks!

  17. Grace!!! Your writing is ever rich and fluid...Love this:

    "This is where our dreams flourish
    One wing at a time, crimson and daring
    Stretching wide as the blue summer sky"

    Just beautiful.

  18. Giving grace to imperfect days,
    Accepting storms of life, cherishing simple joys

    Talk about WISDOM! :)

  19. Nice piece of poetry to go with the pretty picture, awesome.

  20. I love what you did with this photo... I wanted to write based on it, but I ended up doing something else. Your words inspire me to visit the wishing tree and see what it's done with my wishes!

  21. Beautiful piece of poetry Grace. Stunnuing image!!

  22. Lovely piece...There is so much that takes me to the wishing tree.

  23. sooooooo lovely and magical, Grace! i think this is my new favorite of yours ~ really, really love it! your writing is getting more complex over time but also with a deeper understanding for the reader. wondrous and wonderful!

    thank you for joining in at Poetry Jam!


  24. "This is where our eyes pause at night
    Giving grace to imperfect days"

    Very nice :) Shakesperean.

  25. Its writing like this help keep those dreams alive. Where else can we express our deepest longings and tortured anguish and meet with other ideas that identify with our emotions. Love the format with the parenthetical stanzas....crazy good.


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