Thursday, July 16, 2020

Unmasked, I am

i am unfurled leaf of unpublished book
my verses kited in clouds, imperfect meter 
i peer through half opened windows of houses as
if i am reading diaries & dissecting poems 
my thumbs are green now after being house bound
as my indoor plants & herbs, counting each new
root as if i am new mother, not a soon-to-be empty nester
during winter, i cover myself in peat moss &
lock away my thirst & my thirsty roots
my affirmation is spring, my music is summer
i want to join a sisterhood of chocolate lovers 
i will gladly hug you in a bubbled curtain with latex gloves 

though i have limbered numbers in excel spreadsheets
unmasked, i am sonneteer coaxing beats out of air

Grace @ Begonia Rex

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub:   Meeting The Bar, I am, The First Person Narrative.   Please join us when the pub door opens at 3pm EST.

For today's MTB, compose a poem using “I am…” with a First Person narrative in any part of your verse.  Go experimental and creative with your “I am” poem.

In expressing our “I am” poems, I encourage you to go beyond the usual descriptions of “I am” (a brother, sister, friend, citizen) and go experimental and creative with your “I am” poem. Think inanimate object, animal or groups of animals, planets and inter-galactic travel, streets, cities, plant, tree, or weekday or month or year, or even pandemic terminology.


  1. Grace, this is beautiful! I love so many lines.......especially your opening line and "my music is summer". Gorgeous, and a very intriguing prompt.

  2. Grace, favorite line:
    "i want to join a sisterhood of chocolate lovers"
    lovely poem!

  3. I’m pleased to say I managed to access your blog, Grace – and so glad I did! A wonderful poem, I especially love the opening lines and:
    ‘unmasked, i am sonneteer coaxing beats out of air’.

  4. Couched in the poetic phrasing there is a lot of personal detail in there, well done!

  5. That last line is like a cherry on top of a luscious sundae! Beautiful, Grace.

  6. This is simply beautiful, filled with choice phrases. Applause from my corner of the world!

  7. The first line hooked me and it just kept getting better. Good, good writing!

  8. This is incredible, beautiful, evocative, and just so immersing. It's amazing and intriguing from the first to last verse. Wow!

    "my thumbs are green now after being house bound
    as my indoor plants & herbs, counting each new
    root as if i am new mother, not a soon-to-be empty nester
    during winter, i cover myself in peat moss &
    lock away my thirst & my thirsty roots..."

    This was my favorite section of your piece. It's just so eloquent and interesting in each description, and the way it is structured is just so honestly raw and emotional. I love the metaphors in this piece. I just love this so much! Such beautiful writing!

  9. A sisterhood of chocolate lovers...isn't that all of us! Count me in!

  10. I loved this line:
    my affirmation is spring, my music is summer
    Beautiful poem Grace

  11. Oh, this is SOOOO good!! Last 5 words are my fave, though. BLAMMO!!

    Thanks for the prompt. I almost never do 1st person.

  12. i am unfurled leaf
    of unpublished book

    So much is expected and anticipated. A record of sorts in a an unpublished book. Beautiful narration Grace!


  13. This is a wonderful way to look at our forced hibernation. It's going to be a long winter...but spring will come.

  14. A poet with a green thumb is a good thing - always nurturing new growth.

  15. Ah yesss... the sisterhood of choclate lovers, took me decades to qualify to join, but I finally have met all the requirments. ;)
    Together we shall not need to Tobeleralone!
    hugging you back over latex and sterilzed and lovingly placed barriers. :)

  16. I love your opening Grace...

    i am unfurled leaf of unpublished book
    my verses kited in clouds, imperfect meter

    This is literally the case with our postings.

  17. counting each new
    root as if i am new mother. Loved this image.


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