Tuesday, July 21, 2020


my skin is earth & my language is wild
drum beats on your ears

for so long, you saw me 
as mere graffiti on 
your white pristine walls

scribbling questions on your legal
documents & laws,
you sought to banish me to
obscurity & extinction 

but i am
more than just statistic on your sheet
more than just label on your coat & tagline

my time is coming as sure as sun rises
my voice will multiply into sky of exaltations

a havoc of street protests
a hurricane of workers & passionate folks pushing
for inclusion, equality, freedom & acceptance

i am the idea 
whose time has come & you cannot 
turn  away

                 from me

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Revolution, hosted by Merril Smith.  Please join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.


  1. Excellent post for the times. I think there is a sea of change happening in the US right now.....simultaneously with the Age of Covid. I truly believe we are in the midst of a paradigm shift.

  2. Yes, change is revolution and vice versa, the kind that happens sometimes without us seeing it, sometimes right in our faces. I love the idea of wild language as drumbeats, Grace, and ‘…mere graffiti on / your white pristine walls’. My favourite line is: ‘my voice will multiply into sky of exaltations’.

  3. There is no going back and you have written a powerhouse poem to that effect, Grace. The ending sings in a resonant chord.

  4. The sound of every revolution: "i am the idea
    whose time has come & you cannot
    turn away" Excellent!

  5. This such a beautifully penned and evocative piece. I LOVE these few lines the most:

    "my skin is earth & my language is wild
    drum beats on your ears

    for so long, you saw me
    as mere graffiti on
    your white pristine walls..."

    It's very personal and vivid. What an excellent take on the prompt. You write amazingly.

  6. A force to be reckoned with... I like that Grace! Well done!

  7. i love the soft power in your poem! those vivid imagery, too!

  8. a havoc of street protests
    a hurricane of workers & passionate folks pushing
    for inclusion, equality, freedom & acceptance

    The 2nd last stanza gives the grim picture of a real revolution against US authorities very recently.The impact is still being felt.


  9. I like the way this builds and builds, from a graffiti tag to a full on movement.

  10. evocative and deep! Wonderful poetry, Grace.

  11. '...whose time has come...' Indeed.
    Thank you

  12. Perfect description of today's mood, Grace.

  13. Amen ...

    peace and love


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