Tuesday, August 18, 2020

You & summmer


You are wrapped in clouds

Wearing a face mask

Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled

You reel in fishbones & blues

While reading palms of dreamers

I pen my canvas

with the last of summer warmth

My feet on fallen crab apples

Caterpillared by sudden rain 

Clowning happiest with sounds of your laughter 

Line:   Feet to the stars, and moon-skulled

from You're by Syliva Plath

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Clowning around, by Lisa Fox.   Thanks for your comments and visits.


  1. This is very beautiful, with such original imagery.

  2. I love the chosen line and how you weaved it with your words, especially those fishbones & blues. The end of summer is magnificent this year where we live.

  3. I nearly paired ‘feet to the stars’ with ‘moon-skulled’ but in the end I went for ’A clean slate, with your own face on’. ‘You are wrapped in clouds / Wearing a face mask’ made me think of a cosmic pamper session, Grace, and I love the idea of reeling in ‘fishbones & blues / While reading palms of dreamers’. The second stanza is so joyful.

  4. I love what you did with that line, Grace. Such a happy poem of intimacy and contentment.

  5. Loving this version of enjoying a fading summer...feet on fallen crab apples. A wonderful take on the prompt!

  6. “My feet on fallen crab apples
    Caterpillared by sudden rain
    Clowning happiest with sounds of your laughter“

    Love. <3

  7. Joyful...just the way summer is. Love the images...My feet on fallen crab apples

    Caterpillared by sudden rain

    Clowning happiest with sounds of your laughter - Dreamy

  8. moon-skulled

    Who wouldn't choose a line that contained 'moon-skulled'?

    Wonderful work, Grace!

  9. This is beyond beautiful, Grace. Oh, my! The imagery, the terminology, the choice of lexicon, you've intrigued my mind's eye greatly! It's such a delightful piece to read from start to finish. I especially love the positive connotations in the second stanza. Wonderful and masterful work. Your writing style is a treat.

  10. Clowning happiest with sounds of your laughter

    A classic line, Grace! Agreed!


  11. The lines you chose are perfectly worked into this lovely poem.

  12. Your poem is a waterfall of words, tumbling one after another and it is mind blowing.

  13. oh this is so so so vivid. the last line is such a heartfelt one

  14. Felt like I was there. You paint beautiful words.


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