Thursday, August 13, 2020



My mind is toss up in word salad

Mixed with fresh herbs, my "baby" plants

are rooting nicely with tiny buds & thirsty roots

My fingers are forks, raking down to remove

dead leaves and fading summer blossomes

Autumn arrives with first harvest

Wild crab apples, plentiful for the squirrels & birds

I inhale warmth of dying sunset, orange-crinkled sky

(my pack of oranges are not so sweet)

My red roses, still blooming, second chances, i

Will always take, wearing a mask

Pixellated, stripes of black & white

My chest a garden of hopes, basketball hoops & hoses

Optimistic as red fat sweet tomatoes  

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Stream of Consciousness Poem.  Please join us when the pub door opens at 3pm EST.  


  1. I like the images of your mind like a toss the inspiration of always taking second chances.

  2. I love where your stream of thoughts led you... I think I get the jist of it, and will try to do something very quickly (though I cannot write with my left hand...)

  3. well you've done it beautifully, red roses, second chances. love that line.

  4. Thoughts full of growing. They can lead you anywhere.

  5. I particularly like the last lines. "Will always take, wearing a mask

    Pixellated, stripes of black & white

    My chest a garden of hopes, basketball hoops & hoses

    Optimistic as red fat sweet tomatoes "

    Very nice.

  6. I love the beginning line, the last line, and every line in between.

  7. The opening line captivated me instantly! This is such a wonderfully elegant poem, Grace!💝

  8. All good, but those optimism-inspiring tomatoes really nail this one. Well done, Grace!

  9. I love the imagery here, Grace. It's absolutely inspiring and it's like a whole palette of colors on a color wheel. I loved these lines the most:

    "My fingers are forks, raking down to remove
    dead leaves and fading summer blossomes"

    Such grand imagery and so visceral with nature and humanity. Amazing, amazing writing as always!

  10. I see this as growth, while being content with your place.

  11. beautiful imagery Grace, sometimes the mind does feel like a tossed salad.

  12. I love the imagery! Fingers as forks and the orange-crinkled sky 🙂

  13. I like your thoughts flowing through your garden and into the Covid concerns and then comparing the two. Very nice Grace.

  14. your descriptions take my breath away, Grace. the flow felt like a calming inhale and exhale.

  15. Just lovely, Grace, so much to enjoy. I particularly liked the second blooming of the roses, the second chances, and the hovering spectre of covid.

  16. So many wonderful images here--I like especially the garden of hopes, and the mind a toss up word salad.

  17. It's obvious your time in the garden is restorative and reassuring for you. From word salad to tomtoes, it's a great write!

  18. I am wading in your stream while eating tomatoes fresh from the garden.

  19. My chest a garden of hopes,
    basketball hoops & hoses
    Optimistic as red fat sweet tomatoes

    'A garden of hopes'...outlines lots of positivism in just one sentence. Beautiful close Grace!


  20. I love the idea of your mind being a toss up in word salad! Good luck with your baby plants.

  21. A Smile May Be Worn
    Underneath A Mask
    A Smile May Breathe
    In All that Love
    Do to See
    And Actually
    Be God ALiVE iN US

  22. These words are so evocative of your beautiful stream: "my "baby" plants

    are rooting nicely with tiny buds & thirsty roots". The metaphor works on so many levels (physical, societal, mental, emotional, spiritual) and offers so much precise and lovely hope!


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