Tuesday, February 21, 2017

From end to end

over silt and stones, river runs
carrying smell of wood and pine-
silver mirror under midday sun

ducks promenade around farms 
as icy path breaks, shattered twine
over silt and stones, river runs

along familiar shores, stealthy as wind
teasing spring weather across fields
bone-silver under midday sun

every season, we cross over fallen logs 

as birds leave their nests and glide
over silt and stones, river runs

carrying songs from our past

weaving sugarcane & corn stalks to
golden mirror under midday sun

here, i start and end, with lungs

rooted with grains and seeds.  i tread
over silt and stones, the running river 
& i, mirrors facing under midday sun-

Posted for D'verse Poets Pub - Suburban Poem by Guest Host, Oloriel ~  Villanelle poetry form ~  I moved to the city (and country) but I have friends who have never left their small towns, preferring to retire in the same place, where we grew up.   
Thanks for the visit ~


  1. Ah.. it took me a while to find the Villanelle in this, love the small variations you introduce... you are a master of this form

  2. Having read your very peaceful poem, Grace, I'll be interested to see the different impressions given of the suburbs and the difference between the different countries and continents.

    1. Certainly different Kim ~ But I haven't been back to my native home for years so I don't know if there have been any changes. Thanks ~

  3. Beautiful use of form and images, the line of "ducks promenading" was so captivating and even more after I saw the photograph at the end.,
    Thank you for participating in the prompt, I hope you had fun, just like I did reading your poem!

  4. Like you, I've lived in the country & in the burbs--prefer the burbs, but hate the traffic snarls to get in & out of the city. I love the country, but crave the proximity of the arts & movies--and at this point, the nearness of medical clinics.

  5. Your words conjure beautiful images. Like Glenn, I've always tried to move to the edge of the city, but I like its conveniences and desire the ambiance of country...the best of both worlds.

  6. I could live with your type of suburb. It sounds peaceful and restful. And I admire you tackling a villanelle. I give up at the triolet.

  7. carrying songs from our past
    weaving sugarcane & corn stalks to
    golden mirror under midday sun

    This is so beautifully poignant!

  8. I liked the "river runs" and "midday sun" pairs in the villanelle.

  9. Using the villanelle form real drives and helps express your thoughts and mood

  10. There were worlds of adventure in the meadows and streams where we grew up. Fishing in the river, picking blueberries, playing in the storm sewer. Your words take me back there. It was a much simpler time

  11. A glorious villanelle - much enjoyed.

  12. love how you've captivated the wonderful flow that's perhaps eternal...like the rivers, flight of birds, generations...so beautiful Grace...

  13. The empathy here for the timelessness of small-town life surely reflects in the patient work of the poet. I remember reading about a DNA study done in England where they found a family living a mile or so from Stonehenge who had lived there for 5,000 years.

  14. This is truly beautiful, Grace. I love the refrain...the images you paint with your words and the flow, the graceful sense of movement comes with your words, as the river flows.

  15. Sure sounds like a fine spot. I've lived in city and country, both have their perks.

  16. A beautiful piece! Like a slice of lemon pie, my Mom's fav.

  17. This is so idyllic and relaxing to read, Grace.

    Happy week to you.

  18. A beautiful poem Grace. I enjoyed both the image flow and admired how you used the form--liberation within form is exciting to me.

  19. Lovely in mood and form...there's a genteel aura of contentment here.

  20. Lovely villanelle! I love how the repeating lines change throughout the poem.

  21. lovely...felt like walking there somewhere....serene...!

  22. This has a elegant/eloquent quality that - even though it rhymes - brought to mind, the close of a fascinating novel that brings the main character full circle. An impactful villanelle.


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