Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Box of watches

time set in stone
carapace of lost sky
kept in box sewn
hours of day-sighing 

fortnight of songs
minutes of fibs, glitches
seconds of fear
bands around old watches

i pour sands, stars
and throw the key away-

Posted for D'verse Poets Pub - Poetics about Memento by Mish ~  Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.  Thanks for the visit ~


  1. I so love the sense of how time flies... both the sense of the watches and the sand.. and maybe we don't need the key to feel them

  2. Sand never sleeps, but watches do--the sands of time are airborne, inexorable, unforgiving. Nice word smithing--carapace made run for a definition; smile.

  3. Wonderful, Grace, especially 'carapace of lost sky', 'fortnight of songs' and those final lines.

  4. Realy amazing and special Grace ! xoxo

  5. That's a beautifully delicate write Grace and last two lines just winderful

  6. Who needs a key, chuck it and fly free

  7. I liked the "minutes of fibs" and "seconds of fear".

  8. "i pour sands, stars
    and throw the key away-"

    These lines leave me breathless. Perfection.

  9. Watches are seen less and less these days with cell phones. I love the image of a box of watches, holding so many moments, measurements of time but then freed. Lovely, Grace.

  10. Amazing write. A time. a dream...

  11. A sense of sadness, fills me, as I read your poem, Grace, as if, we have lost something, that we can never get back.

  12. This is such a dreamy piece, Grace. :)

  13. i pour sands, stars
    and throw the key away----stunning!

  14. Loved the lines:
    "I pour sands, stars
    and throw the key away"

  15. Those last few lines are perfection. They complete the whole piece.

  16. "hours of day sighing" --- favorite here. So many wonderful references to time and means of measuring time...The title is perfect for the words.

  17. For some reason this made me a bit sad. Well written, as always. Have a great week!

  18. time keeps on slipping...into the future ;)

  19. "I sow sands, stars, and throw the key away! Sigh! A nugget of perfection!

  20. This really does have a bit of melancholy to it. Very concise and powerful poem.

  21. time can be kind and cruel and watches bring back memories of both, such a magical way of framing your words, they dropped like tiny bubbles on my skin as I read them. I see you are from Mississauga, I have been there and loved and almost did not leave to come home. Really nice to visit you here.

  22. Watches and sand ~ a powerful evocation of ~ time.


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