Monday, January 11, 2016

A summer so far away

Purple yam ice cream drips over my hand as my tongue hungrily chases a dripping blob down the cone.    The afternoon sun casts a bright hue over the street filled with colorful banners and small food carts.   A woman calls out to pedestrians to sample her sugar-laced bananas on stick.   A man yells above the dim inviting everyone to taste the wood-fired chicken wings and salted duck eggs.   Commuters tarry as lazy balloons adrift on summer festival.    Music drums as the parade of eager young girls and boys march along paper-rice street lamps.  We drown in the town's fiesta mood until we wilted in the heat.   

i bloom,  pink of summer
memories as wind snares branches
into white-washed bone-yard

Posted for D'verse Poets Pub - Picture credit and Haibun Monday Hosted by Kanzensakura ~  Thanks for your visit ~


  1. I can see those pink memories come lollipoping in the harshness of a winter day.. Love the haiku and the White-washed bone-yard... There is smell and taste as well as the visuals of winter in your splendid haibun...

  2. Summer can't return soon enough. The warm weather was just a tease. As always, thanks for sharing your wonderful words. Have a great week!

  3. Lovely scene! What a delightful fiesta~ I would especially like to taste those sugar-laced bananas! Very nice haibun.

  4. What a wonderful contrast to the picture! A scene of color, warmth, taste, aromas. We drown in the town's fiesta mood until we wilted in the heat. So very different from the still, cold scene in the pic. Excellent job. Thank you.

  5. Culture alive..
    Culture shaRed..
    culture fLowers
    cold or hot...


  6. A woman after my own heart! If one must endure winter, let us do so with memories of summer heat that's hot enough to wilt us. I do miss summer. Love this take on the prompt. Peace, Linda

  7. How fun--going at it backwards, from the summer perspective. We are lucky to be able to experience all the seasons, to enjoy contrasts.

  8. I love the last line of your haiku - it conveys the heat of a searing sun very well - Suzanne of Art and Life

  9. A nice summer fiesta indeed, be nice when the warm once again takes seed.

  10. Even in our winter, it's summer somewhere else. The quince blooms, the appetites sharpen and we celebrate food, life, and the mysteries of what is known and what is not. Lovely work, Grace.

  11. Really a brilliant turn to write the prose in counterpoint. As gay said, right now it is summer in Australia, where one goes south to Antarctica, & heads north to get warmth. Your haiku, like a vibrant winter ribbon, reconnects the reader to the prompt.

  12. I could see the market, you described it so colorfully..........

  13. A beautiful summer fiesta you described with the sounds and smells of the surroundings. Yes, for sure you would be dreaming of a colder clime during the wilting heat.

  14. Thank you, Grace, for melting my frozen mood with this delectable summer scene...makes me want a lick of purple yam ice cream :)

  15. What a wonderful exotic summer scene - so far away, and so wistfully sketched. A lovely haibun.

  16. An unexpected treat of a busy summer scene, in such vivid contrast to the stillness and frozen quality of the picture. An original way to respond to the prompt!

  17. A great simile to finish your lovely haibun - such a contrast to the view through my window.

  18. I enjoyed your description in the prose. So evocative --especially the first sentence!

  19. That's what our memories are for, to give us sunshine in the snow and freezing in the wilting. Nicely done.

  20. I've been trying to comment and finally went to the Dverse site. Hope it works this time. I think you wrote a wonderful, wonderful haibun. Please find the other comment as best you can.

  21. You have indeed painted a canvas of the ever changing world. I love the connection between memories and the photo and the haiku. I can smell, taste, and see the festival. Wonderful imagery!

  22. A warmth of summer in winter .. such a lovely haibun - Bastet

  23. The festive mood permeates through all levels of society. It brings warmth to counter the cold weather! Great lines Grace!


  24. Summer is certainly far away, but as this post goes to show, Winter has its beauty!


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