Migrating Siberian Cranes over Himalayas
white against white
sky is an open road
above ice-capped mountains
wild is the call of wind
that rushes in our lungs
as we cross continents & rivers
to where the sun greens
every blade of grass, browns earth-
worms, yellows fish in marshlands
we fear not the crossing
the flock is brotherhood
marking the journey old as sea
our wingspan fight
against eagles and vultures
yet we fear not
as we smell rain clouds
above the marsh & bogs
as we travel
on and on
don't lead us astray
with your hunting games
for our prized plumes
for our tender meat
leave us
in our untamed earth
dense, unsettled as clouds
with the wind as our choir
we move as kindred souls
in silent geometry
Let this be not our
j o u r
Posted for D'verse Poets Pub - We are writing about ecopoetry ~ Sadly these long-lived cranes is on the list of endangered species as its population has greatly diminished in the last 3 decades. Thanks for the visit ~