Thursday, March 21, 2024

False Spring

I listen to western wind's murmurings - 

Birthing songs by iris and daffodils

High-pitched cries by broad winged hawks nurturing- 

There is restlessness in the air, the chills

Of winter are ebbing low & bordering

Small buds & silky tendrils sprouting gills

Shedding dark skin of soil & instinct to cling

And inhale the marvelous light of spring

The sun's crimson fingers brings fresh mirror

Sketching the pale grey sky blue as bluebells

Coloring the leaves young and green, clearer

Than raindrops that shimmers with silver spells

But all that is short-lived as once more, furor

Of winter wind comes back, peeling back shells

Of green & draping its white coat, unasked

It's false spring.   We all huddle back, hands clasped!  

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Poetry Form:   Ottavo Rima or Sonnetto Rispetto.  We are learning this traditional Italian poetry form.  Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.


  1. I love the sounds in your ottavo rima, Grace, especially the combination of alliteration and onomatopoeia in ‘western wind's murmurings’, the sibilant ‘Small buds & silky tendrils sprouting gills’, and the deft strokes of colour in the second stanza.

  2. So many false springs... we who live in the north has to learn that there are always those brief moments and then winter again

  3. Oh, Grace, what a wonderful turn of phrase you have. I think your mind must be a constant shower of poetic gems! I can't pick out any lines because they are all so brilliant. Well done.

  4. Your weather is much like the weather's winter, it's spring, it's winter again. It was 22 degrees here with the wind chill. Bring on those daffodils. - your imagery is always well done - Truedessa

  5. There's a surreal hint to this one, the way buds, embryos, leaves all have a similarity. Anything might emerge.

  6. You certainly set the bar "high" with this poem, Grace. I love the lushness of your descriptions .... a huge sigh from me.

  7. We've had those teaser days too. But eventually we will be able to put those winter coats away...(I hope so anyway).

  8. spring has definitely been teasing us this year.. and hoping this week of sudden dip in temperatures will be the last one

  9. Love all the colours that pop in your poem as well as the sounds. We have a short spring usually. This year winter didn't cede space and now it seems we will jump right into summer.

  10. “peeling back shells
    Of green & draping its white coat, unasked”

    That’s what is happening here. Though spring is slowly emerging.


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