Thursday, December 15, 2022

december winter


I. before the sun sets

sunlight swells as mushroom

above skeleton-boned trees

so warm as maple syrup

yet so brief as a passing cloud

i savor its divineness

breathing in the blessed heat

bestowing stillness

a gift 

II. freezing rain

snowflakes on wooden porch

sparkly white diamonds

that turns into black ice rain


i slipped & fell

as the bird falling from the nest

effortless as a paper, breaking bones

how i wish i could have scooped it up

breathing wind into its wings & eyes

i tread carefully now

missing the birdsongs in the garden


Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Zen Poetry, which I am hosting as our last post for 2022.  Join us when the virtual pub doors open at 3pm EST. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!!  


  1. This is absolutely exquisite, Grace! 😍 So much to love here especially; "so warm as maple syrup yet so brief as a passing cloud/i savor its divineness." Sigh.. πŸ’˜πŸ’˜

  2. I love what you did here... I can see some connection between zen poetry and the imagist poetry we have done before... love the way you connected the imagery to a thought with those last lines.

  3. Really beautiful. So clear. Time to write some Zen Poetry!

  4. Yes; beautifully Zen! And thanks for the cool prompt.

  5. So beautiful, Grace, the metaphor security (bird's nest) and then fragility (falling, wings & ice) are played out so beautifully to leave us aching for carefree flight in gardens missing birdsongs.

  6. A wonderful poem, Grace. We soak up all the sun we can get at this time of the year. I hope you did not break bones in a slip and fall!?

  7. Beautifully written filled with zen thoughts. I hope you really didn't slip.

    Happy Holidays, Grace.

  8. bestowing stillness
    a gift

    Certainly a gift of quiet befitting of the beginning of Winter before the harshness of the cold.


  9. Beautiful writing, I like the bone motif running through both pieces and the sense of fragility.

  10. A beautiful write, Grace. I loved your opening verse.

  11. Beautifully written grace.πŸ™‚✌πŸΌπŸ•Š❣️

  12. It's a quiet transition from the life-giving warmth of the sun to the black ice of broken bones and death. The wheel turns.

  13. I love the progression / the journey of your Zen poem! Happy Holidays.

  14. Profound depth in both your poems, I appreciate the duality and contrast in the scenes. Merry Christmas! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ„

  15. Nice work. Having felt the freezing rain, sunlight warm as maple syrup is a gift!

  16. I liked both your zen poems. The second one in particular stood out for me. It was so poignant, but illuminating at the same time. It really touched me.

  17. Our daughter slipped and fell on her frozen driveway (even happened here in our not-so-cold- Texas) and broke her hip the winter that got unruly cold. We had lost power for four days. Poor little bird of yours.
    Thanks for hosting and

  18. These are beautiful examples of zen poetry, Grace. My favorite is the second one.


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