Tuesday, October 26, 2021

the puppeteer


covers the small stage set

with canvas, his aged hands

folding away wires, strings,

brushes & paints on shelves


in meticulous beats as his

pocketwatch, precise

as his master list of lists-

autumn night settles in 

with ghostly musty air

his robe is 

immaculate in its whiteness

as he pats the summer's gold coins 

in his pockets,

he closes the room

muttering words only the wind


the shop

floorboards heave, a big exhale,

a little movement, here

& there, a twitch & spasm


the puppets are stirring awake

each wrinkled pumpkin face

with zombie eyes

is a flicker of energy

as they search 


for their chords & clicks

for their sinews & sticks

(where are our memory cards?)

shaking, jerking, falling tragically 

as the moon


Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Poetics - Halloweeny Humans hosted by Lisa Fox. 

A commentary on the way social media giants manipulates and spins our lives with algorithms, sending us deep into webs of addictions and superficial lives.  

Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.


  1. What a piece! I read it through once....and I must tell you....I've always thought pupeteers and their marionettes are creepy....then these lines
    "his robe is

    immaculate in its whiteness

    as he pats the summer's gold coins

    in his pockets," yep - creepy.
    I was thinking your pet peeve was the fear or dislike of pupeteers...literally. Similar to how some people have a fear of clowns. So I read it this way...and of course that autumn night with ghostly air....
    THEN I read your comment at the end and read it again. Works PERFECTLY in this reading as well.
    Masterly write, Grace!

  2. This is so skilfully written, Grace! The puppeteer is sinister enough as a character, but as an extended metaphor he is truly chilling...

  3. This is deliciously dark and spooky, Grace! This bit stood out in particular for me; "his robe is immaculate in its whiteness as he pats the summer's gold coins in his pockets, he closes the room muttering words only the wind

  4. By abusing their power (however one might define that) they would make puppets of us, wouldn't they?

  5. Grace, truly a haunting poem, and frightening in its reflection of modern times. This part really gets to me:
    his robe is

    "immaculate in its whiteness

    as he pats the summer's gold coins

    in his pockets,

    he closes the room

    muttering words only the wind


  6. Wow, Grace, this was breathtakingly chilling. The soul-crushing moment that you built up to is the puppet's awakening to brokenness and despair "as the moon watches." A tour de force of a poem. I agree with Lisa, my favorite lines are the ones she chose which are simply a masterful metaphor for his rapacious and heartless nature. Kudos!!

  7. Oh, this is excellent, and topic well chosen. I like both the writing and the message.

  8. The single word stanzas are like that moment in a quiet house where you stop...

    just in case!

    Very evocative!

  9. Oh yes, this was brilliant! We really are just puppets aren't we? Allowing social media to pull out strings and do what is commanded. I love the analogy.

  10. perfect analogy Grace, most are oblivious to those strings ... the lines most chose are awesome but this is too sad ..

    "for their chords & clicks

    for their sinews & sticks

    (where are our memory cards?)"

  11. A great one Grace! Love the memory chip line! Well done.

  12. This is captivating and so apt for the challenge, Grace. I love "..his master list of lists-" we all know *that* guy--and the final sequence of the puppets is both funny and creepy as well. I think you've ticked all the boxes here.

  13. Wonderful wording - you've set the pace, the rhythm, filling it with a weird duality - the anticipation we feel while reading, wanting to know more, and then, 'click click' as the tale continues. It certainly is captivating in its usual twist of plot. Well done.

  14. This is epic, Grace!!! On my second reading, will do a third. Cheers.

  15. But your images are so much more enchanting that what they are standing in for. If only we could always see what lies beneath what we consume.

  16. Oh my — a failed attempt at mortality, or just a clumsy incarnation of evil? 😏 Loved the mystery here Grace. Well written!

  17. A scathing commentary on how strings are pulled and we have become willing puppets. Excellent.

  18. I saw the puppet dance and then collapse. Bravo. A very vivid write


  19. Manipulation at its creepiest. This is excellent Grace.


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