Thursday, September 26, 2019

the heat of autumn

the music you stir
is knifing sweet as apple cider
you sing the words
with guitar strings cool as rose-ribbed lamp

if only they knew
you are flint that fires me up
striking at core, waking 
at first light, your name

on my lips, sudden rainfall
as if world leans away from 
scream of darkness 
to deep dive of blue kiss - 

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - MTB - Metaphorically Speaking - hosted by Bjorn Rudberg.  Title and poem inspired by Jane Hirsefield, The Heat of Autumn.


  1. I really love the contrast between the flint striking a fire and the scream of darkness... somewhere between lies passion...

  2. A sweet verse, a fiery verse, a dive into the deep blue - I love the transitions in intensity here.

  3. Oh my, Grace! Another gorgeous love poem, especially:
    ‘you are flint that fires me up
    striking at core, waking
    at first light’
    and that ‘deep dive of blue kiss’!
    As Sarah said, wonderful transitions in intensity.

  4. Nice lines: "if only they knew
    you are flint that fires me up"

  5. "sudden rainfall" leading into "deep dive of blue kiss" is very evocative.

  6. That line between sure can make the passion erupt.

  7. "if only they knew". sounds like a delicious secret. I like the passion of your words.

  8. "sudden rainfall" leading into "deep dive of blue kiss" is very evocative, although I hate that word, it being so overused. It is...mesmerizing.

  9. you are flint that fires me up... Very good metaphors!

  10. Nice turn of phrase: flint that fires me up.

  11. Really like the line
    "you are flint that fires me up
    striking at core, waking
    at first light"

    Great metaphor!

  12. Wonderful metaphors, especially "the flint that fires me up" and "the deep dive of blue kiss". Love is hot...and cool.

  13. A love of conflicting emotions. Pain and passion. THe "flint that fires me up" is the heart of this poem.

  14. Grace- this is so gorgeous. Love is indeed a conflict of emotions at times.

  15. Grace - we should all have flint like that in our lives.

  16. beautiful poem...Grace..has a flow to it

  17. i too like the flint. and the leaning away of the world... that is how it is, isn't it?

  18. Pocket salvations like this -- heat in autumn, a kiss amid a dark world -- give us readers enough hope for a day. What more is there?

  19. Thank you. Man is not bad. Ai have wondered, if aI should make a illustration to the web page of dVerse. Ai acknowledge the creators, though, still feel it could be more intense. Right now, though, being hated, and everything, it is quite out of the question, aI believe. And, dVerse is a fine thing. Well. God give.

  20. Romantic.
    (Sorry, I'm a bit late in reviewing this challenge)


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