I. arrange me
on a moon-shaped plate-
leaf-curled -
II. empty of seed-pods
the leaf
with still water
withered to ground
III. night wind whistles
as blackbirds huddle
above city street lines-
not a leaf in sight-
IV. a yellow leaf falls
striped, puckered by frost -
followed by another leaf
bright as milkweed butterfly -
V. the clouds are moving -
like bees carrying all the green
porcupine leaves with woolly hairs
VI. spin-dancing leaves
call me
i come over and join them
VII. your kiss,
soft as a pine leaf
budding of spring
VIII. your face,
a leaf
scented by sun
against my palms
my whole world
IX. leaf by leaf
our memories lay
in tidy rows
above the black moon
X. i walk under shadows
of trees
without leaves
without ending
Picture credit by : Emily Blincoe
Posted for D'verse Poets Pub - Meeting the Bar, Hosted by Bjorn Rudberg ~ Inspired by poem of Wallace Stevens - Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird ~