Thursday, January 23, 2025

if not for winter, i would not know spring

if not for blue salt

i would not know blackness of ice

that wipes all shiny memories to paper blankness

if not for the polar vortex

i would not know the limits of my sadness-

in all ways, your absence is sharper knife that i can not hold

if not for the stillness

i would not know how powerful your

death wish is, between goodbye & falling asleep

if not for the last breath

i would not know mercy, kissing your brow

wishing nothing more than whole white sky to cover your eyes 

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Meeting the Bar Positively through Negation - Hosted by Bjorn Rudberg.  Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.


  1. All these stanzas are like poems by themselves I really love the third one focusing on the death wish between goodbye & falling asleep...

  2. Grace this really touches the heart - and not a saccharine sentiment anywhere

  3. This is exquisitely woven, Grace! πŸ’œπŸ’œI am especially moved by this stanza; "if not for the stillness i would not know how powerful your death wish is, between goodbye & falling asleep."

  4. Searching for inspiration and knowledge I arrived here...found: the words pierced, really pierce. That sharpness, it is definitely there. Superb.

  5. i am feeling this waiting for spring

  6. This is stunning, Mish. It is such a beautiful meditation on grief. As Ain says, piercing. I love the title. This is a poem that will stay with me.πŸ’™

  7. Such a great poem, Grace! I love the feeling and empathy you show throughout. Finding hope in loss is not easy!

    1. Don't know why it does not save my name... Dwight

  8. This is incredibly lovely, Grace .... and speaks for many, including me.

  9. Wow. Each stanza could stand alone. The third was riveting. This is stunning, Grace.

  10. Grace, what a wonderful weaving of negative and positive, said and unsaid.

  11. I agree with Bjorn that each stanza is like a poem in itself and though personal, they are also place specific too...

  12. That grief which seeps into the bones, so beautifully and tenderly written and yet it turns the knife ever so gently. Grace, I always learn something from you.

  13. So mournful, both tender and terribly sharp.

  14. Outstanding Grace!

    "if not for the stillness

    i would not know how powerful your

    death wish is, between goodbye & falling asleep"

  15. Brilliant poem, Grace! You left me feeling quite sad, which shows how powerful your words are.

    Yvette M Calleiro :-)


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