Thursday, January 30, 2025

threading the threads

my mind is a puddle of fluff & fuss

my hands are busy clocks & cords

you tell me, it is not complicated-

it is either this way or that way

this way is to walk with the cat

or that way is go inside the room and wear 

tall crown I made, a Queen's golden crown

or a joker's cone cap

and if I choose a joker's cone cap,

is it going to make me laugh to oblivion

because I know my indecision of things

can really get in the way - see the empty 

table?   you tell me - easy,

walk with the cat, as if it is 

really a quiet walk on the path, out  

out of this churning madness of choices

in my head, a nest of noisy birds

waiting for mother's treat & ultimate goal-


[walking out & away with the cat]

in my dreamscape, I am a white horse 

bolting out of the frame, towards the moon

but my feet are rooted in threads, deep in silos-

where and when (things past)

Gertrude Abercrombie:  Where or When (Things Past), 1948, Collection of the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - OpenLinkNight - Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.


  1. Oh... this is wonderful, we live in a web of choices all the time. Love the entanglement you found in the picture. I look forward to the session tonight.

  2. I hear her earnest plea in the surreality...

  3. What a fun ekphrastic poem, Grace, from the first to last line. I love the pace, the conversational tone, and especially the lines:
    ‘in my dreamscape, I am a white horse
    bolting out of the frame, towards the moon’.

  4. What to do, what to do? Awake its either/or and dreaming its pour me some more ... Fun poem Grace, waltzing on its high wire.

  5. "you tell me - easy,
    walk with the cat, as if it is
    really a quiet walk on the path, out
    out of this churning madness of choices"

    Poignant write



  6. I enjoyed your interpretation of this enigmatic artwork...making such choices can be more complicated than it appears

  7. in my dreamscape, I am a white horse

    bolting out of the frame, towards the moon

    Oh yeah, that's the line that activated my dormant girls and horses gene. Now I want to be an equestrian astronaut when I grow up. (No word on when that might be.)

  8. My mind feels like a puddle when I'm in indecision! I want to be that horse!

  9. Wonderful use of the imagination to create this poem. I would def be the white horse in a dreamscape.

    in my dreamscape, I am a white horse
    bolting out of the frame, towards the moon

  10. Your poem really captured indecisiveness!

  11. This is a delightful poem, and I think the artist would have loved it as a companion piece for her painting. Bravo!

  12. an incredible ekphrastic Grace - every brush stroke accounted for in lyricism

  13. I love how you look at the picture, Grace. Its quirky yet relatable.

  14. This is an interesting poem, Grace. Life is full of choices and they all have consequences. I enjoyed your take on the painting. Robbie Cheadle

  15. A wonderful response to the painting, Grace. I love the way the narrator looks at choices. The closing lines are perfect!

  16. Whether strung out or strung in, we are tethered to the world and our "feet" "rooted to the threads," even in the surreal world.


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