Tuesday, August 27, 2024

dream catchers



how come i cannot find

a playbook for young girls

so they can be 


& cartographers of their lives

instead of walking with bounded

feet and wounded hands



draw your dream in a paper

and tuck them in your pocket

-fisher of stars

-wind catcher

-queen of seven seas

-king of lost forests

your pimp will not want them

your jail keeper will thow away the key

they belong to you

in heat of hunger and cold of despair

in the lonely hours of darkness

unfold their inconceivable wings & glorious eyes

unflinching and unvanquished

fixed on you

no, you will not forget them

they belong to you

they cannot be bought

they cannot be sold

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Stormy Weather, with guest host, Andrew Wilson.  Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.  Thanks for your comments.


  1. Gosh, Grace! I did not expect this poem to take the turn it did and what a strong message for young girls - you plot the path of just the playbook whose lack you lament...

  2. That’s a wonderful idea, Grace, a ‘playbook for young girls so they can be stormcatchers & cartographers of their lives’. These lines stood out for me:
    ‘in heat of hunger and cold of despair
    in the lonely hours of darkness
    unfold their inconceivable wings & glorious eyes’.

  3. A poignant narrative for girks growing to be conscious young women. Bravo


  4. A wonderful poem, Grace. Dreams cannot be bought and sold! I love it!

  5. Terrible loss when the world is too vanquished for such homeward sightings offered by "stormcatchers and cartographers," but good there is ample room for them still inside in the walled garden of the heart. Too bad that's such a lonely place nowadays, made so by the vanishings without. Are my maps even legible any more?

  6. Oh wow--such a beautiful, stunning poem, Grace. You've managed a strong message in an ethereal verse. 💙

  7. "a playbook for young girls
    so they can be
    & cartographers of their lives"

    "in the lonely hours of darkness
    unfold their inconceivable wings & glorious eyes
    unflinching and unvanquished"

    I love the quiet strength in this poem, Grace 🌸

  8. I love the strength, such a poignant piece.

  9. You ask a very pertinent question. Why isn't there? In our world full of virtue signalling and being on the right side of history, who exactly is defending the rights of girls to grow into women on the same terms that boys grow into men? Is this really as good as it's going to get?

  10. Grace, your poem packs a profound and deep punch. I should be easier, not more difficult growing into womanhood.

  11. This is a great poem , I am in awe 💜


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