Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Thank you, Sarah Connor


your muse has black wings but

your words, breeze-light as rain 

falling on heads, pink-pleated & flower-crowned 

may your hours be filled with white

crisp pages & pen, smell of lavender & lemon

tea rising from the warm pot, taste of 

freshly buttered bread, seranade of

birdsongs from robins, calls of owls,  

laughter of children, chicory flowers,

sights of life unfolding

and vibrant river moving, you 

are lifted

out of the silence of your space, out of

the skein of your clothes

the limbs of your books

the roots of your apple trees

(sorry, but the mail bag is full)

you are one with the rooks

rolling bowling calling squalling roiling boiling swirling whirling*

black wings glinting & stretching 

& flying into starlit sky

I do not know the notes of your songs

nor do I know where you are heading to

but the windows are open

and i only know this:

thank you 

for the gifts of wings & words


Inspired by her lines in Always Fire:

From ‘No mail – no post’:

“No words.

No rhymes, no poeming tonight,

just this blank space,

this white page,

stretching endlessly”


“Find me a space here,

tucked into the silence.”

‘This Doesn’t Feel Like Home Yet’:

“A bird sings,

but you don’t know the notes,

this window opens

onto streets you cannot name

and words you can’t decipher.”

*Rooks at Twilight

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub- Poetics :  In Conversation with Sarah Connor.  Hosted by Kim Russell.  Thank you Kim for the wonderful interview.  Thank you Sarah for all the time you have shared with us at the dVerse Poets Pub.  


  1. Beautifully written, Grace, and what a way to thank Sarah! I love the idea that her ‘muse has black wings’ and her words are ‘breeze-light as rain’, and your wishes for her are so Sarah: the ‘white crisp pages & pen, smell of lavender & lemon’, the serenade of birdsong, and especially the rooks.

  2. May your words wing their way to her, Grace, saying what we cannot say with your "mailbag" full of images alight with love and gratitude, and expressive of your shared love of nature.

  3. This is so beautiful! I especially love; "seranade of birdsongs from robins, calls of owls, laughter of children, chicory flowers,
    sights of life unfolding." Yes! 💖💖

  4. Oh, Grace! This is so beautiful. A lovely, gentle tribute to Sarah, and you even included her rooks. 💙

  5. Grace, what a precious "full bag" of items for Sarah to carry close to her heart. The "smell of lavender & lemon" is lifting.

  6. Ah, Grace, thank you for this beautiful poem. So many things I love. I'm crying already - good tears. This is very special.

  7. This hovers gorgeously over Sarah's gift to us and those she so loves like a sheet on the breeze of a heartbreakingly blue sky. Tears and gratitude for this and the one who so inspires us all.

  8. This is so beautiful and words, wings and a poetic spirit all come together with your graceful flow. Thank you all.

  9. Sorry didnt press google, comment was from Georgina at navasola after a few years of not writing poetry.

  10. A beautifully written tribute, Grace—even without knowing Sarah myself before today, your verses capture her poetic craft and its many gifts very poignantly. Many thanks for sharing.

  11. A beautifully written tribute to Sarah!

  12. A very calming poem.🧘🏻‍♀️

  13. Such a beautiful poem with the serenades of birdsong. A beautiful tribute that would bring so much comfort.

  14. So very beautiful, Grace. Your verse embodies all that is dear to Sarah. Such a heartfelt, heartwarming write.

  15. Your best poems are the ones that come from the heart. Like this one. Beautiful.

  16. full to the brim with lightness and love for Sarah's poetry

  17. Oh Grace, this is so beautiful and thoughtfully done, full of lovely gifts and wishes for Sarah. I'm so glad you added the link to her "Rooks at Twilight" and I noticed the line "my muse has black wings" in her comments. How special that is to include. A heartfelt and comforting tribute, Grace. ❤️

  18. This is so beautifully written. You capture something of Sarah's way of seeing the world here. I found your poem deeply moving, particularly the last verse. Suzanne of Wordpress blog "Wayfaring'.


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