Tuesday, May 31, 2022

The Unravelling

"(There are) many stories which are not on paper, they are written in the bodies and minds of women."

By Amrita Pritam

Unweave these threads across my face

They are bondages that muffles my voice

My word has weight, my name has grace

What you see with nary a shadow or trace 

Of question, interest or life, is a mirage

Unweave these threads across my face

You'll hear my sad songs welling from vase

Broken a long time ago, a bleak montage

My word has weight, my name has grace

I recall them, underneath this shame of lace 

Over my thin shoulders cowed low

Unweave these threads across my face

That you will see me truly, in a place

Worthy & joyful.  I'll let the words steep, stir-

My word has weight, my name has grace

Out of my belly & bosom, into your palms

To hold my face, bare, sun-warmed  

Unweave these threads across my face

My words have weight, my name has grace

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub, Poetics:  Women are people: invoking Amrita Pritam with guest host, Punam Sharma.  Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.


  1. THIS is poetry... a great Villanelle... and such a good use of the quote... to include your name in the line
    My words has weight, my name has grace
    is brilliant

  2. Agreeing with Bjorn. There is a wordweave implying deception and rejection and then a clearing of the tangle for a moment of bared-open contentment and being seen truly. May you feel the sun on yout face ...

  3. Very strong message, whatever the "threads" are--burka, fist, duct tape...we must all assist in liberating the face, voice and heart. I had some difficulty with "my words has weight". I'm used to "my words have weight"; smile.

  4. My words has weight - seems to reduce all of her words to a single entity, one that indeed has weight. Very nice!

  5. Grace- what an incredible response to the prompt. It's beautiful.

  6. Going to refer to you as "Exquisite Grace" .....

  7. This stanza stands out:

    "That you will see me truly, in a place
    Worthy & joyful. I'll let the words steep, stir-
    My word has weight, my name has grace"

  8. Simply lovely to read, like a jaunt on a summer's day. I really like how you used your name throughout the telling :-)

  9. A powerful plea, Grace. I was reminded of Paul Dunbar's, "We Wear the Mask."

  10. Wonderful. The image of threads unweaving is so powerful.

  11. So beautifully done, Grace. Lovely rhymes (and with your name), and the repetition is so effective.

  12. Wow, and that first line pulled me, such a powerful reflection.

  13. The theme is beautifully woven...the form masterfully untangled!

  14. Wonderful, Grace! This is so powerful.


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