the summer heat
dries the dandelions to white whiskered heads
peppermint leaves scatter
their fragrances across fences & empty husks
lilacs and forget-me-nots
are swaying to blues, bees & birdsongs
my room is filled with long
fingers of the sunrays & wheat grass
i drink the darkness
at last, slurping its cold sweet juice
the moon is young
flower breaking out from its silver seed
with the stars & bright planets in sky
my dreams are teal, my words are nectar
Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - OpenlinkNight. Join us when the pub doors open by 3pm EST. Thanks for the visit.
i paint
our words to be a virus
our words to be a vaccine
our words to be host cell
our words to be N95 mask
whether you are asymptomatic
or symptomatic, our doorways are alike
from graffitied city streets
to funeral parlors with 10 chairs
let's socially distance
via zoom meeting with sun-
flowers stuck in our hair-
sending crownlit poems from our windpipes-
Posted for dVerse Poets Pub -About Portals, hosted by Anmol (HA).
Thanks for the visits and comments.
i taste the skin
from summer fruit
the juice sticky
on my lips
as sliver of light
glaces the room
you are fixated:
crystals & mirrors
or is it
murmurings of trees
you hear
pressing on
& on
i gulp down
2 red pills
Posted for dVerse Poet Pub- Quadrille hosted by De Jackson. This is a 44 word post, with the given word, FIX. Thanks for your comments & visits.