Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Empress with Silk Clothes

I strike a coquettish pose
With my red robes & gold slippers

And thoughtfully exclaim
What fine and colorful clothes you have! 

How imposing you look.  Show them
Your beautiful clothes

Light as air, soft as feathers 
Visible only to the smart ones

You are most intelligent ruler
As I kneel before your soft belly

and puckered knees for your shoes
I marveled at your gleaming crown

as I, the empress, hum your favorite song
as you stride out into the streets, eager

to strut your expensive, branded clothes
Your vanity equals the sun's fiery show

The crowd and critics will lament & tear
their hair out

Trying hard not to stare at your torso
so they don't look unfit for the job

Your ego is intact, even after the parade,
scalloped hair gelled by pride, your knees stiff as ever

I wait faithfully with your other clothes
satiny black, snow-crusted with diamonds

And soothing your ire with tea
Placating your pain with more sugar

I, your empress,
am your mirror, another fool who wished for gold

Trimmings, who knows this:
Being naked is a hard truth, a pill I can't swallow

(I mean, I will parade naked with no clothes
if someone pays me a good amount of money) but he

My Emperor, has the balls to show them
how it is done to those ignorant folks

I feed him now with exotic fruits
in between musing the details 

of his amazing clothes
and firing those two incompetent tailors

It was their fault, you see
It was even the child's fault, crying at that

But he has got nothing on!
Everyone is blind not to marvel at these clothes.

I, your empress, nod while patting 
silk embroidered clothes

wrapping my naked ambition 
sharp as eagle's claws

Inspired by photo:   The Emperor Has No Balls, Trump Statue:  Here    This was supposed to be short but I had fun imagining the scenario.

Posted for D'verse Poets Pub- Poetical Spouses - By Guest Host, Kim.  The challenge for this week’s Poetics is to take a character, fictional or non-fictional, and re-write their story from the point of view of their husband or wife. To avoid any accusations of libel, no living people please!


  1. Oh this was so fun... trying to guess the who it was.. Andersen would have been proud at this hide and seek... :-)

  2. Oh Grace, this is deliciously funny. I love the way you have woven in words from the story, as well as incredible lines like:

    'As I kneel before your soft belly

    and puckered knees for your shoes'

    and those fabulous final lines:

    'I, your empress, nod while patting
    silk embroidered clothes

    wrapping my naked ambition
    sharp as eagle's claws'.

    I'm so pleased you had fun writing it.

  3. This one had me guessing for sure. Not being a Trump supporter, I would have included more vitriol mixed in with the levity & sarcasm. You rocked the prompt & exposed a buffoon.

    1. I held myself back as we can't really do living people ha!!

    2. Why not - if it's done in the name of art and awareness? Something has to tell the truth! They've done it a few times with our own silly president but it isn't working, not yet anyway. Even the women, as in your Empress, soothes the beast.

  4. Whoaa such a fiery and brilliant take on the prompt!!

  5. Thank you for this flight of fancy.

  6. So good!! The emperor has no balls !

  7. haha but he has those hands, doesn't that count for anything? Fun one indeed.

  8. I love your take on this, your Empress Grace :)

  9. As long as he/ she has nothing on and the crowd is fearfully cheering him/ her on about his/ her beautiful clothes, I will not kneel for no one ever. You, friend Grace? I mean, really ... look at the circus that's going on in the states right now ... Love, cat

  10. I may ask you if I may use this to confront the Women's League here in South Africa. They're behaving exactly as your Empress. Or I may take inspiration from this ...?

  11. Sorry, just read the prompt properly and see poems should be about people already passed on.

  12. Oh Grace you will be receiving a letter from Dewey Cheetum & Howe any day now. The would be emperor and his familial court have determined that the law adds to their reign. If not their naked in silk possessions then at least the body count of them run over.

    As I was reading this I found myself not so much curious as to specifically whom it may be directed at but rather how odd that it could be applied to so many leaders in this world.

  13. My best read ever. I enjoyed reading every line............and the imagination, oh my God, well visualized. This has been my best, honestly.

  14. Ah --- the emperor has no clothes!!! I remember the tale so well :) and your take from her view is priceless --- so many great lines and such an attitude!!! And then to connect it at the end to the political candidate whose name shall not be writ by me -- abolutely not giving him even the acknowledgement of writing his name -- THIS is priceless! So very well done!

  15. A new and brilliantly worded perspective on a favourite story.

  16. Not looking forward to this November. Have a great weekend, Grace!

  17. An awesome take on an enduring allegorical tale. A fun read!


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