Sunday, May 22, 2011

A view of Manhattan City

If there was a spot where one can see the height of commercialism, marketing propaganda and corporate jungle... it is the Times Square in Manhattan, NY.   The consumer is assaulted by the giant billboards and sounds and images of products, concert information and what not, as one walks along the streets of Manhattan.     Broadway shows also compete for your attention.   Lots of choices to go and see and buy in this city's corner.     It is interesting to see that the people walking along the streets are mostly tourists from all corners of the world, taking pictures and videos of this well known area.  I can just imagine when it is New Year's Eve in this corner; the crowds and sounds must be 100X more intense.         

Personally for me, the most impressive thing about Manhattan are the tall buildings.   One can sense the economic power and might of these corporate buildings including the news organizations.     

My daughter was not spared the marketing hoopla.   When we entered the M&M store along Time Square, choices galore as to the colours.   The thing is, despite its choices of colours, these candies all taste the same, don't they ?  

Hope everyone has a good weekend ~

Blessings from the parents

Hi everyone ~

My family and I attended my cousin's wedding in NY last week.

There is always something about family reunions during weddings - it is full of laughter, memories and shared experiences.    Happy times indeed to celebrate love between the young couple, as well as to reaffirm one's ties among family members and friends.    Some guests came from all over the world to witness the happy occasion.

Among all the beautiful things I noticed during the wedding reception are the wedding pictures of the parents of the bride and groom.   I thought it was beautiful tribute to the love of their parents, who now join them in wishing them all the best.   Both fathers gave touching tributes to their wives during the speech, and I find it heartening to see both parents enjoying the merriment and laughter, along with the guests.    The blessings of the parents is the most precious gift to receive on this wedding day.

As parents, we may not be aware of it, but our children look up to us as role models for their relationships, and their partners in life.     As I listen to the young couple repeating their vows in the church, and again sharing a touching tribute to each other during the reception, I am reminded of my own wedding, my own vows, and my own start in marriage.     I wish them all the best~


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day~

Here's to the ones who gave the life
to the souls from the starry skies
here's to the ones that encircle the earth
with the light of their loving eyes.

Here's to the one who never forgets
though I roam the wide world over
whose love can banish all regrets
God's sweetest gift - my mother!

Picture credit: prettylittleflower.tumbr

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Royal Wedding: Perfect love

I have watched the videos of the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton countless times.   Yes, I even woke up early to watch the telecast live.   I admit I am an eternal romantic, and even got teary eyed when they said their solemn vows.  Whenever I hear those vows, it always reminds me of the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman.  The couple has  been together for many years, even living together as modern couples now do. But in that beautiful ceremony, their union as husband and wife was officially blessed by the church, and by society.

You would think that with the challenges of remaining happily married in the public eye, that famous people like Prince William and Kate Middleton, including celebrities, will not get married.   With the alarming high rates of divorce and separations, some people balked at the idea of formally tying the knot with their loved one.   The popularity of marriage has certainly gone down in the recent years with many couples opting for living together, rather than marriage.  In Canada, this arrangement is made easier because the significant other is given the same rights and benefits, as that of a spouse.

So why were there a lot of optimism and hope for this beautiful young couple as millions of people around the world watched the ceremony?   Because they represent to us the "perfect wedding" - that moment in time where we all dream of falling in love with the Prince and living happily after.   Perhaps time will tell if this marriage will last or not.

But on this special day,  "Will and Kate" embodies our eternal hope that there is love, and it is perfect.