Thursday, January 30, 2025

threading the threads

my mind is a puddle of fluff & fuss

my hands are busy clocks & cords

you tell me, it is not complicated-

it is either this way or that way

this way is to walk with the cat

or that way is go inside the room and wear 

tall crown I made, a Queen's golden crown

or a joker's cone cap

and if I choose a joker's cone cap,

is it going to make me laugh to oblivion

because I know my indecision of things

can really get in the way - see the empty 

table?   you tell me - easy,

walk with the cat, as if it is 

really a quiet walk on the path, out  

out of this churning madness of choices

in my head, a nest of noisy birds

waiting for mother's treat & ultimate goal-


[walking out & away with the cat]

in my dreamscape, I am a white horse 

bolting out of the frame, towards the moon

but my feet are rooted in threads, deep in silos-

where and when (things past)

Gertrude Abercrombie:  Where or When (Things Past), 1948, Collection of the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - OpenLinkNight - Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.


  1. Oh... this is wonderful, we live in a web of choices all the time. Love the entanglement you found in the picture. I look forward to the session tonight.

  2. I hear her earnest plea in the surreality...

  3. What a fun ekphrastic poem, Grace, from the first to last line. I love the pace, the conversational tone, and especially the lines:
    ‘in my dreamscape, I am a white horse
    bolting out of the frame, towards the moon’.

  4. What to do, what to do? Awake its either/or and dreaming its pour me some more ... Fun poem Grace, waltzing on its high wire.


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