Monday, December 9, 2024

at year's end, it is not


the loudest


that impacts me the most

it's the nicks, 

slights, careless tossed words- jabbing 

a growing crescendo

that knees me to fetal position

on the flip side-

it's not loudest cheers of devotion

but thoughtful & everyday gestures

that tugs my heartstrings

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Quadrille #214, Going Out with a Bang, hosted by Punam.  This is a 44 word post with the chosen word, bang.  

Thank you for your comments and visits.


  1. Indeed... so much more both thos little stabs as well as word of kindness. Love the way you took it and I agree (not much a fan of fireworks)

  2. I like looking at fireworks, but can’t cope with the noise – better to watch from a distance. I like the extended metaphor very much, Grace – I have the same problem with ‘slights’ and ‘careless tossed words’, and the same happiness at ‘thoughtful & everyday gestures’.

  3. An old mentor of mine said, "look for small movements" when I was in a crisis. Your poem made me think of that person.

  4. I love the way you started with the prompt, and then moved to what hurts you and moves you.

  5. Seasons greetings


  6. Absolutely agree...and you put it so well, so carefully..

  7. I like the contrasts in this poem. Nicely done.

    Arcadia Maria

  8. It is mostly the smallest/ quietest and not the grandest/loudest gesture that stays with us. This resonates, Grace and I love how you incorporated the prompt word.

  9. Much wisdom in this grace. And we can choose what we want to give our attention to.
    -Eric Erb

  10. Beautiful, Grace. I prefer the little things.

  11. one is none and end begin the beguine unlike time neither yas nor mine.


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