Tuesday, November 5, 2024

dear joy


Visit often

Unannounced or planned

Tap on our doors and windows

With your spring step & top       hat

Remind us of blue sky

When the day is fiddled-grey & fog-spun

Or calm walk     by the lake      shore

when ticking clock is mad         spin-wheel

Gather our pettiness

Along with the fallen yellow      leaves

We will find you,        a glass stone

To treasure along with our bowl of     half-

missing & lost things

Brush us tingling as   warm    towel

On a cold day, lifting      us with

silver wings              & cries of          gladness

Unmeasured, we          glide

above stiff-brown trees,           singing

Posted for dVerse Poets:  Poetics - Choose Joy, hosted by Merril D.Smith.

Thanks for your visits and comments.


  1. Love the thought of being able to ask for joy, and how we may carry it with us really in those memories.

  2. A delightful, joyful poem, Grace, and I love its shape and form. I especially love ‘When the day is fiddled-grey & fog-spun’.

  3. I love this letter to joy! It's perfect, Grace. Thank you! I especially love the second stanza. 💙

  4. Wonderful kennings, Grace...I feel the joy in this!

  5. This is exquisitely drawn, Grace! I especially love this part; "Remind us of blue sky/When the day is fiddled-grey & fog-spun/Or calm walk by the lake shore when ticking clock is mad." ❤️❤️

  6. Beautifully done, Grace. I love this...
    Gather our pettiness
    Along with the fallen yellow leaves

  7. Well that was very nice, visit often, unannounced or not, indeed...love the top hat..

  8. I loved this heartfelt message to joy. Beautifully written :)

  9. Tap, tap, tapping on my door! sorely needed it the past few days. Your poem helped, Grace! Cheers.[

  10. Such a lovely letter to joy! You have written this beautifully on behalf of all of us.

  11. An epistle that takes flight with your jaunty yet soaring words, Grace. Lovely.

  12. I love these lines especially

    “We will find you, a glass stone

    To treasure along with our bowl of half-

    missing & lost things”


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