Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Tableau

the lake is fog mist

etching the trees in

olive and russet-

wild flowers embrace

dappled morning light

their faces - perfect

a flock of ducks fly

skimming the water-

birdsongs trill the air

soulful strings, sky hymns-

lily pods & weeds

float, serene muses

Washago, Ontario

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - A Tableau for Sam Hamill,  Hosted by Laura Bloomsbury.  Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.  Thanks for your comments and visits.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

cherry's laughter

she would start 

laughing hysterics 

not demurely as the lady with a spanish fan

hiding her mirth

but belly shaking as the dancer with

cymbals, focusing her energy

on thumping the floor

with feet and outstretched hands 

holding a beer bottle or cigarette in the air

as if her lungs cannot hold back the tides

of comic absurdity

of tall tales of hilarity

the sound was contagious as a virus

& we would fall "dying" on the floor

her laugher now echoes in my head

like a bookmarked page

in our family's album

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Poetics: Just for Laughs, Hosted by Mish.   Join us at 3pm EST when the virtual doors of our poetry community opens.   Thanks for your visits and comments.

Monday, September 2, 2024

summer's end

from seed, you grew tall

orange cupcake flower

i wanted you to bloom forever

but summer's end is here


spin me out of summer blues

as flowers turn deep sun-blood

slow decay by wind chill-  


ink, garden these verses  

[within me]

Zinnia, Orange Cupcake

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub- Quadrille #207 Poem Spin Cycle, hosted by De Jackson.  The chosen word is SPIN to be used in this 44 word count poem.  Thanks for your comments and visits.