Tuesday, June 18, 2024

a one-day business trip

the train brings me

back alleys of the city buildings

graffiti walls of neglected streets

wheels bound to the south roads

i revel  at the open spaces

of fields green & yellow

of trees lording it over the

rolling empty landscape

the train brings me

to new city with different

highlights & views

the towns are small packages

to be unwrapped with care

the folks who live here

know the folks who are just

passing by, who is 

watching whom from the windows?

the train is a moving bridge

or am i the train

moving foward

and moving backward

after business is done

i note the small stores,

narrow roads, even narrower lanes

wildflowers greet you

as time slows down

my pulse mellows down to rest

the train brings me

perspective the colors of autumn

a nostalgia of the simplicity of life

in a small city & towns

but also a realization that i am

very much a big city person

i calculate the distance from home

in terms of verses i 

pen waiting for the final 

station stop


Posted for the dVerse Poets Pub, Poetics, Travelling by Train - Hosed by Punam.  Thank you for your visits and comments.


  1. I felt like I was on the business trip with you, Grace, and could see the back alleys and graffiti walls in my mind’s eye, as well as the ‘trees lording it over the rolling empty landscape. I love the lines:
    ‘the towns are small packages
    to be unwrapped with care’
    ‘i calculate the distance from home
    in terms of verses i
    pen waiting for the final
    station stop’.

  2. What a journey seen through your eyes in such a vivid way, the thoughts that pass by as swiftly as the scenery! And always, words, your "verses," measuring "the distance home." Wonderfully penned, Grace.

  3. I guess most train rides show the same scenery and unites train travellers across the world. You captured the sights of a small city beautifully but I loved most your closing stanza where verses measure the distance.

  4. Such a vivid journey. I could imagine being on the train with you. You and Kim both wrote of writing poems and returning home. I especially liked: "the towns are small packages
    to be unwrapped with care"

  5. Grace, I love the way you weave your inner reactions with the outside world, not just what you see, but how the outside world sees you. Nice!

  6. My train days are mostly limited to riding the El subway in Chicago, but the heave and lull of strolling meditation comes strongly back to me here!

  7. I love your repetition of "the train brings me," and the overall mood you evoke with your enticing imagery, Grace!

  8. Beautifully written images, Grace!

  9. what else csn i say. Nice one!!!
    Thanks for dropping by my blog.


  10. The train is a moving bridge... perfect way to state it. I love the colors and varied scenes in this piece.

  11. I loved that last stanza the most!

  12. You have described this one day business trip perfectly! I've done a few in my time ... I recommend spending the night, getting to know that city. I have.

  13. What a wonderful perspective! I love "the towns are small packages/to be unwrapped with care".

  14. I like this contrast in places along the train route. I also like living in a city but welcome a short time out in the country.

  15. 'The towns are small packages to be unwrapped with care' I like that image!

  16. Is amazing how many different moods a train can bring, just with miles...

  17. Splendid poem, Grace. I loved the imagery throughout!

  18. Anonymous is me, Mrityunjay (Jay)


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