Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Maybe A Missed Connection

It could have been, maybe, it might have been

Deep dive to sea of passion, leading to a chapel 

Who knows but the wind, spinning tales with grin

It began with friendly banter, light as pins

Harmless I thought, but for you, a secret, an apple

Oh - what could have been, maybes or ifs of 

Had you looked at me, not with a twinkle of a pal 

Had I taken a small bite of your blushing-red proposal

Who knows but the wind, spinning tales with grin

I remember your face, filled with sunlight, a bean

Shivering with energy, the look of an open book - I missed..

it.  It could have been, maybe, it might have been

Had you held my hand, so boldly in another time 

Spinning me in a dance, kissing me up my spine-

Whew!  Maybe the wind knew, spinning tales with grin

Rewinding the clock, our paths entwined

Would lead us - here - our hearts bespoked- 

It could be another tale to "might have been"

Only the wind knows, spinning tales with grin

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Poetics, After St. Valentine Left the Building, hosted by Sarah Connor.  Thanks for the visit.


  1. Oh I love how you told the story... I wonder how many might have been there is in a life time... sometimes I think we just never know... the imagery of the wind is so fitting to a Villanelle.

  2. Oh - a villanelle - perfect for a story of one step forward, one step back. I like your apple imagery, too - the fruit of temptation. Really well done.

  3. Such a light touch with this. You nailed the prompt, Grace. My favorite part:
    "I remember your face, filled with sunlight, a bean
    Shivering with energy, the look of an open book"


  4. Had you looked at me, not with a twinkle of a pal .....the whispered regrets...the sensual thoughts...just too late...so nicely done...

  5. You took my breath away with this one, Grace! Exquisitely drawn!💝💝

  6. Those tales told to the wind speak of many lost possibilities...

  7. Forgive me, but you "breezed" through this form, Grace!

  8. "Only the wind knows" yes indeed
    Nice one

    Much love...

  9. Everybody loves that "wind" line. Count me in on that; and the rest of the poem, too!

  10. The wistful energy of the almost-enacted is so wistful and teasing -- not hurtful or deep but an enchanting thought -- the breeze of eros skipping between two people and then moving on. Delightful response to the challenge, Grace.

  11. oh only the wind will ever know. lovely poem.

  12. So many unknowns in life. I like this dance with apples.

  13. Wonderful! Enjoyed the mood of this poem…

  14. So well written--this villanelle flowed. It's like a fairy tale, this story of missed connections.

  15. A lovely, rhythmic dance of opportunity missed, but later rued. Haven't we all been there, on one side or the other? I love the free form villanelle.

  16. Nicely done. I wrote about the aim but did not post it, because You did.

  17. I like the idea that the might-have-beens work both ways.

  18. The answer is blowin' in the wind! Nicely done Grace. I enjoyed your repeats of the wind spinning tales with a grin!

  19. Your words danced light as a breeze in a villanelle about might have beens.


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