Thursday, January 27, 2022

Fast fry to the jazz beat

 gather the weekday's leftovers

(dish with clovers)

here's the pan

we have no plan

to tarry this rib of cured meat

turn up the heat

with seasoned salt

veggies will waltz

with red onions, shrimps & noodles

we'll make doodles 

here, there; let's eat

leisurely beat

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - The Minute Poem.    Join us for some fun when the pub doors open at 3pm.  The poetry form is the Minute Poem which is a 12 line poem (3 of 4 quatrains with 8-4-4-4 rhyming syllables per stanza).   

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Sign post by the sea

He woke up with storm             {seeds} in his mouth 

It tasted glitttery loud as birds. Brewing 

                                                                 with <wild possibilities>. 

His eyes gleamed with excitement of moon flowers.  Whatever known can wait,

But this intangible stillness cannot 

                                                           even if his legs were shaking with vertigo

Hands trembling, he grabbed his coat.  The freezing wind recoiled & fluttered as fallen tulip 

petals.    The sky was cleaning 

               out the                     stars &          last quarter               moon.

The crucible weighed on his chest, 


                   the pouring by his hand.

                                                                                                      >>>>>       Instead

He went to sea                  in a thimble of poetry.

Credit:  “He went to sea in a thimble of poetry.”- Poet Warning, Jim Harrison

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Poetics:   Songs of the Unreason hosted by Linda Lee Lyberg.  Thanks for the visit and comments.

Monday, January 24, 2022

anger management 101

your words

of ice brings not shivering

drip but 

growing rage at each beat

you can hardly contain

bitterness spiralling your guts

time to take

{time out},

get lost 

in nature's path

bottle steps of gratitude  

listen to gossiping trees

spread jam of starlings

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Quadrille hosted by Merril Smith.  This is a 44 word post, with the chosen word, shivering.   This word is perfect to describe our icy weather in Ontario, Canada.   But its all warm and friendly at dVerse Pub.  Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.  Thanks for your comments.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

dreaming of flowers in winter


there is dull blush 

in the morning breaths, when

gloomy clouds obscure the sparkly clear blue

in the sky, the birdsongs on sugar maple trees,

hide the posy hues i draw on the page

but i know, listen - hush -

to the slow murmuring breeze, shadows spin,

& fold away when dawn breaks through

snow-capped fields, bony twigs tease

my thoughts to pools of light, a magical stage

i fall myself into, lush

pines of silence, unwrapped in copper tin

box, i taste spring in my tea cup, i chew

brandy-spiced pears, lemon tarts & buttered peas-

i catch sunflowers & tie my verses with sage

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub, Poetics, Exploring the Realm of French Literature - Hosted by Sanaa Rizvi.   Poetry form:   Rimas Dissolutas.