Thursday, September 24, 2020

Appled in the city


i wear my mask & shop in my grocery store

fresh fruits & veggies & locally produced meat 

on top of my list

i inhale the scents, imagining earth's fertile soil

basking in sun, spices & oils

but this routine chore is a madman's maze 

of confusing marketing pitches & items

as i am aware only too well

of what it takes to bring food to my home

there are deceptions at work in the process

to make the fruits super-sized & fresher than they are

to sell meats and milk as organic when they are not

to push for colorful packaging over bland & nutritionless items

at worst, we are vulnerable & misearable as chickens 

packed in industrial farm

I know that i chose this life in the city

so I go on inhaling industrial fumes 

while hopscotching over sugar-laced snacks & drinks

only too aware that others go hungry & live with the

foreshadowing of war above their homes  

i am blessed to protest in my own way

while continuing to educate myself about food safety & fraud 

if you can, speak up to your local community

before we all turn to codified shell-empty flower cuttings

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Protest Poems - I have chosen the theme and issue of food safety and fraud.   Please join us when the pub doors open by 3pm EST.


  1. Wow Grace, you went all out and wrote an epic protest poem! You chose a contemporary topic close to everyone’s hearts. I love the appeal to the senses, especially in the lines:
    ‘i inhale the scents, imagining earth's fertile soil
    basking in sun, spices & oils’
    and the apt simile: ‘we are vulnerable & miserable as chickens packed in industrial farm’ made me angry for the chickens – I don’t eat meat and we regularly see chickens and other animals being transported in cramped trucks.

  2. I think trying the best we can is all we can do... but there are limits. At least when I work from home it means that we mostly eat homecooked... then I know a little bit better what it is.

  3. I love this line so much:

    “while hopscotching over sugar, laced”

  4. My favorite line:

    "at worst, we are vulnerable & misearable as chickens

    packed in industrial farm..." Somehow, this reminds me of "The Smiths."

    Your poem is heartbreaking and poignant. We go through the mundane in life and the fakery, but there are lives out there who cannot protest for themselves; they do not have the resources, or they are in poverty, etc, etc. It's very sad.

    Protest indeed in your own way. You give voice to those who cannot, in this way. Keep writing and inspiring.

  5. This is absolutely EPIC and so on point, Grace. The imagery woven throughout the poem is elegant, fiery and palpable. Especially love; "i inhale the scents, imagining earth's fertile soil basking in sun, spices & oils but this routine chore is a madman's maze."💝

  6. We really are being deceived by marketing when it comes to something as basic as nutrition. You make a powerful point regarding a simple message: disregard the fancy packaging and eat locally-produced fresh produce wherever possible. I think unfortunately the most disadvantaged in society end up being taken advantage of the most in this area. You have spoken up for them here.

  7. Such truth in your words, Grace. I read a book long ago about subliminal advertising, and beyond what we see there are invisible prompts and nudges that sway our judgement. All we ccan do is try to keep informed and do the best we can!

  8. Your poem is so rich with education and truth, Grace. In my readings one piece of advice stuck out about grocery stores: shop the outside edges and stay away from the center where all of that hideous packing hiding deathly ingredients with minimal nutrition sit waiting on the shelves to pull you in with their pretty colors and lettering (and crinkling sounds!) There have been studies done that show how many urban areas have no grocery store at all, where the poor who are too poor or weak to take public transport are forced to shop at convenience stores and we know what those are full of!

  9. Brava Grace! We so easily accept what is thrust in our faces as 'organic' and 'natural' when it really isn't. I try to avoid all processed foods and now when I have to take a short cut, I can taste the chemicals in the food. It's quite disgusting. Its the pesticides and chemicals that are going to kill us 😦

  10. Bravo Grace. Razor sharp and focussed like a hawk...

  11. It's certainly hard to know just what we're buying these days.

  12. Perfect, Grace. There’s much psychology that goes into marketing. And your take on the injustice of others starving is on point!

  13. I think we’ve all struggled with this. You captured our frustration. Today our Walmart finally opened the second door. Small steps back to some normal living.

  14. I hear your angst Grace... at worst, we are vulnerable & miserable as chickens...
    We really don't know what is being fed to us!
    Great poem. Love your descriptive lines.

  15. "We are vulnerable & misearable (sic) as chickens / packed in industrial farm..." The one behavior replicates itself upside down in the urban market; are they any different? Well done -

  16. Yes, food is where it should start. It's so basic to our existence, and yet it's been made so complicated.

  17. only too aware that others go hungry & live with the
    foreshadowing of war above their homes

    WE are more fortunate than some who are not able even to have a decent living. A protest though is still a valid way out!


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. I think our choices are important and at least we can try to be conscious consumers. Important thoughts here

  20. I just try to stay out of the aisles--all the safe stuff is on perimeter.

  21. Grace, I love the way your verse had me wending my way through the store with you, my thoughts following yours, the sights, the feels, the frustrations, the resolve, the exhortation. I like it all :)

  22. Grace, your words are powerful and encompass so much that is important to our living and survival. My biggest protest for much of this is that I'm vegetarian, though I know much of the veggies and fruits are contaminated with pesticides. I buy organic but ...can't trust that fully. What a world.
    Nice to read you again Grace.

  23. Deceptions at work in the process
    i am blessed to protest in my own way

    while continuing to educate myself about food safety & fraud


  24. Brava! Excellent take on the prompt!

  25. 'Appled in the city' describes exactly what I discussed with my mother a day back. I used to love apples- red, juicy, sweet with tint of sourness,and most importantly they were right sized for my mouth haha- but now I can clearly see quality of even edibles dissipating into money. It is disheartening and your piece has described it to the core. Thank you.

  26. Grace,
    I hear your concerns and share them. How did feeding our bodies become so complicated?
    Thanks for speaking out through poetry.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.


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