Tuesday, February 25, 2025

beneath the earth

i want to be stamped

in spaces between verses

in crannies between bookshelves

my voice, a lone songbird

rising from the rain-soaked dandelions

to summer of marigolds & blue asters 

i want to be settled as

sand & sumac moving in rhythm with wind-

black cradled rocks digging deep in bush-

recite my incantation of wishes

for the yellowing of autumn leaves to

be buried in winter field of ice & white sky-

cover me in earth's seasons


i am from this land

and to earth, i will return-

seeds, pods, flowers, trees along the blue

mouth of Lake Ontario

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub- Tuesday's Poetics-The Four Elements, hosted by Kim Russell.   Thank you for your visits and comments.



  1. Oh I love where you took us... we are all from the soil and destined to be the same.

  2. This is breathtakingly beautiful, Grace! I especially admire this part; "i want to be settled as sand & sumac moving in rhythm with wind- black cradled rocks digging deep in bush." ❤️❤️

  3. Grace, I especially love:

    i want to be stamped

    in spaces between verses

    in crannies between bookshelves

  4. Oh yes, Grace, earth to earth! I too ‘want to be stamped / in spaces between verses / in crannies between bookshelves’, and how I love the ‘voice, a lone songbird / rising from the rain-soaked dandelions’, and the ‘incantation of wishes / for the yellowing of autumn leaves to / be buried in winter field of ice & white sky’. Stunning!

  5. a beautiful blend of poet and the elemental land

  6. ethereal, Grace. I hope you are well ~

  7. Really lovely, Grace. Reminds me of Frost's "To Earthward." A song of the earth.

  8. Just as Björn said. So shall we return.

  9. Beautiful, Grace! Yes, we are earth...

  10. A lovely, spiritual rendering, in commune with nature, just the hint of loneliness but at one with all around, mantras to the wind...the last stanza was beautifully poignant.

  11. Lovely Grace, I too felt the call for becoming one with the earth with this prompt. I did love this verse...i want to be settled as

    sand & sumac moving in rhythm with wind-

    black cradled rocks digging deep in bush-

    recite my incantation of wishes

    for the yellowing of autumn leaves to

    be buried in winter field of ice & white sky-

  12. Grace, I like how you articulate the interactivity of earth and its fertility. (this is Lisa but not letting me comment from WP)

  13. So beautiful, Grace, like a prayer. From earth to earth and all that comes in between, finds place in your breathtaking verse.

  14. Absolutely beautiful!!

  15. I especially love these:

    “my voice, a lone songbird
    rising from the rain-soaked dandelions
    to summer of marigolds & blue asters”

    “ recite my incantation of wishes
    for the yellowing of autumn leaves to
    be buried in winter field of ice & white sky-“

  16. I love how your poetic voice rides the currents of the earth's elements, Grace, to descend at last into the watered, green earth.


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