Thursday, October 24, 2024



i am just chilling here

toasting the blue line gaze

cool breeze is licking my skin

warm as melting chocolate

my bumblebee car awaits-

i mellow down under the

dandelion-inspired umbrella

as if summer sun is cracking

spicy tortillas on my head

this blue chair will do

nicely as i people-watch-

sketching convervations in my head-

imagining where they are going to-

my glasses are sweaty

my shirt is sticky as a granola

i lost my lemon-trimmed sandals in sands

but it is fine - no map, no timeline

for the day, just a yellow bird

on my knee for company & cheer

this space is what i have worked 

for:    peace & rest

not burnt-out but clutter-free

in all the ways i deserve-

i am just chilling here

                                                        All Yellow (Morgan Hill), by Teresa Dunn

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub-OpenLinkNight, hosted by Lisa.   Thanks for your visits and comments.


  1. I love the laziness and comfort:
    it is fine - no map, no timeline for the day
    As it should be.

    1. Thank you. What I want my weekend to be after my crazy work week schedule.

  2. <3 <3 <3 You have captured her essence, Grace. The last stanza a perfect conclusion to a perfect poem.

  3. a chillin poem Grace and full of warmth
    "toasting the blue line gaze" - what a line!

  4. Drunk on sunshine like drowning in honey. It seethes, it drips, it swoons.

  5. I loved this quirky picture and you have truly done it ekphrastic justice, Grace...

  6. Admire this so much, because I was simply not able to do it, kept trying...really like the attention to detail and the mood created..v well done.

  7. you set the mood expertly, Grace. hope you are well ~

  8. A fantastic ekphrastic portrait, Grace, in which you have captured the mood and character. I love the use of colour, the first person perspective, the way the simile warm as melting chocolate is juxtaposed with ‘i am just chilling here’, and I know that feeling of sweaty glasses!

  9. Sunshine, warmth, and relaxing--and wonderful imagery!

    I love:
    " i mellow down under the

    dandelion-inspired umbrella

    as if summer sun is cracking

    spicy tortillas on my head"

  10. Your poem is splendid! How you included every little detail of the artwork ~ YES!


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