Tuesday, October 15, 2024

the woman in the garden


she sits inhaling the summer day

her lemon dress dappled in light

the children's laughter are light as clouds

while another woman's voice is playful sing-song

this scene looks like a perfect vacation scene

but it is not 

her hands are knotted in prayer

a mother's prayer

her head filled with the pain & turmoil of her son's life

his pain is her pain

she prays for the stillness of doves

and fullness of lion's courage to do what is

right and just

she sinks into the white and green space

this garden is a healing salve

peering over the vase of aster blooms

she feels a deep peace settling

on her lap

soft as a yellow butterfly

Le Pho (1907-2001), Women and Children in the Garden (c. 1970), oil on canvas

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Le Pho, hosted by Melissa Lemay.  Thank you for the visits and comments.


  1. Love how you went beneath the surface and told her story... I still want to know more what has befallen her son.

    1. An aching mystery we'll never resolve. Grace, you'll have to write a follow-up poem!

    2. Thank you all for your comments. Yes, there is backstory with this painting.

  2. You captured the colour and light in the image so beautifully, Grace, the sounds of children’s laughter and the woman’s sing-song voice bring it all to life, and the shift in tone and atmosphere made me gasp. Such a sad situation, conveyed so delicately. I love the image of the ‘deep peace settling on her lap soft as a yellow butterfly’.

  3. I like how she sits “inhaling the summer day”; I like how you’ve given the artwork a story of its own, and how you’ve broken it down into section-like stanzas. The first takes a turn and I hold my breath. By the end you bring us back to hope with that butterfly.

  4. I did find a sense of sorrow when looking at this picture. I like how you encompassed that but also gave it hope.

  5. You have found an amazing story inside the artwork. I love how you noticed her hands knotted in prayer. Truedessa


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