Death - come & cover me - burs & soft twine
Turning feet to plum, bones to earth - bury
My face under orchid's sun, wild cherry
My body is bent tree, crowing to wind
Pining to fly & ride the last ferry
Death - come & cover me - burs & soft twine
Turning feet to plum, bones to earth - bury
This weighted sadness, blue trimmed with iced-rime
Spinning legs more than I care to carry
Recalling a love, sweet as mulberry
Death - come & cover me - burs & soft twine
Turning feet to plum, bones to earth - bury
My face under orchid's sun, wild cherry
Posted for dVerse Poets Pub- Poetry Form is English Madrigal. Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST. Thank you for your comments and visits.