Tuesday, April 6, 2021


i pluck happiness

from a pot of soil

it was wet from April rain

dazzling as first cherry bloom

i wash its

plumb leaves gently & encased it in glass

an ivory in perfect repose & sunshine 

muffling all the sadness in the rooms

but in the coming days

it was a dying 

flower shedding its petals

blackening roots


losing its colors, spice & flavor

quietly, it begged to be released

as a monarch butterfly

as a wild bird

uncaged, unfiltered, unmarked

over the back yard

& out into the sky

i toss it like a ball

of dragon fire

hissing above the pine trees

{i heard laughter}

In response to my original post:    {sadness}

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Poetics - Flipping Meanings.  Join us when the pub doors open at 3pm EST.


  1. This is gorgeously, gorgeously rendered, Grace! Wow! I love; "an ivory in perfect repose & sunshine muffling all the sadness in the rooms." The poem serves as a perfect flip, as a twin to your poem 'sadness.'💝💝

  2. This flipping lends itself well to your poetry, Grace. I especially love the lines:
    ‘i pluck happiness
    from a pot of soil
    it was wet from April rain’.

  3. Grace, I need to absorb this one before moving on to its opposite. I love how you released the shrinking flower!

  4. you make even sadness beautiful
    "watercolors my hours

    & underlines my little joys"

    and happiness is almost wrecked until release because you muffled out its twin

    the thematic links these two but you did wonders with the flips too

  5. I think this works very well as a reverse poem, as it can certainly be read as a stand-alone work and is beautiful in and of itself. Skilfully done!

  6. This piece flows beautifully. The last stanza gives me chills. Very writgerly and expertly crafted. Well done!

  7. I absolutely LOVE this poem, and the liberation of the bloom (I heard laughter). Just spectacular. You are very tuned in to the non-human realm. I wish more people were.

  8. I only liked this poem a lot until I clicked on the Sadness link, at which point I was totally Ga-gaaaa.

  9. Wow... I think... I... like this one more than the first, and it's a really close call, Grace.


  10. A very nice flip Grace! I love this image...
    i toss it like a ball

    of dragon fire

    hissing above the pine trees

  11. Ah Grace....for me your writing always sits beautifully in my mind as I silently read it aloud. Beautifully done here with the prompt.


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