Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Chain by chain
block by block
there's light underfoot
& above
& sideways

Seeping into each crack
as rain
as canvas, clean & startling
as dawn, awakening trees after
ice storm with a gentle brush of yellow 
along its bent brittle limbs

Weave and weave
knot and knot
gather, refract, pour, mirror, cast
even hidden from your eyes
each wave & particle, a seed
resilient &
beautiful as you 

May your 2014 be full of light !!!

Posted for Imaginary Garden with Real Toads - Resolutions ~ My resolutions are to keep myself & the people around me cheerful & hopeful & of course, to continue writing.   And on a personal note, my eldest son proposed to his long term girlfriend over the holiday.   Now plans are underway for a wedding in 1.5 years.  Whoa, change is coming fast, smiles ~
And Shared with Write,Edit,Publish-New Beginnings ~ Happy to be reconnecting with you~  


  1. wow....congrats to your are one step closer to being a gramma...ha...
    happy new year grace....planting that seed...scattering the seed in our path as we go along....yes, it can grow as beautiful as us if we nurture it...i like that last stanza a cascade of verbs...

    1. Not yet, wedding first, smiles ~ Thank you Brian ~

  2. Happy new year to you, and what a happy time in your life, enjoy and keep on writing too! I really enjoyed this poem too, it's beautiful!

  3. Happy New Year Grace... it looks as if there is much light in 2014 for you... :)

  4. Happy New Year - I love the way you capture light as a reflection in nature and the heart. Be Blessed Grace.

  5. Your poem is so affirming, Grace, with a heart-lift at the end. Wonderful news about the wedding. My youngest is planning a summer wedding, we set things in motion at Christmas. Yay!

    1. Congrats to your family for another wedding ~ This is a first on both sides, so we are very excited about the whole thing ~ Thanks Sherry ~

  6. Thank you, wow, thank you. Webs can be stong or weak, hard or soft, screening or trappping--what is interesting is what seeps through and enlightens them, like this poem! Bless you and yours in the new year. Seems like it's off to a good start.

  7. This builds gently and comes to that lovely finish. Happy New Year!

  8. Congrats to your son, resilience sure can go a long way. Happy new year

  9. lovely poetic start to the new year

    *•. ¸*•.¸*•.¸*•. *•.¸ ¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*¸.•*
    *... *...*...*░ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!░* * *...*...*
    ¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* ¸.•*¸.•* *•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•.¸*•

    much love...

  10. i love the image of weaving light into our day to day and bring joy and love to those around us...happy new year grace and congrats to your son...that's awesome

  11. Congrats on a healthy and growing family. Nothing better than that to start off 2014

  12. Many congrats on such a great change... light is so important, as well as darkness can permeate one's mind

  13. Your have some nice goals. It is very important to stay happy and cheerful.
    Happy 2014.

  14. happy new year, Grace :)

    thanks for this uplifting pen ~

  15. Ha! Happy new year, Grace, and thanks for lighting the way with this! Congrats to your son. K.

  16. What a beautiful, exciting time in your life...Looking forward to the wonderful poetry you will share this year.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Such a lovely post to start the new year!!

  19. Congratulations - a wedding in the house! Happy New Year and blessings to you Grace. A beautiful piece to lighten the new year ahead. ~ smiles.

  20. Congratulations to your son! What an exciting way to start the new year! I like your resolutions. That's the kind of person I want to be around, one spreading cheer!

  21. Your personal intentions are worth duplicating, Grace. Love your upbeat attitude. Congrats to you and your son. 2013 was the year my last child wed. 2014 is a serious turning point for me!

  22. sooooo pretty, Grace. i really like this.
    congratulations, you are nearly a mother-in-law! wow. wow, wow. my kids are still small but i look at them and think who, in ten years, you'll be grown, little ones. wow.
    xoxo & happy new year!

  23. dawn awakening the trees after an ice storm with a gentle brush of yellow touched me. your words are beautiful and delicate as icy limbs. congrats on the engagement. wishing you all good things in 2014:)

  24. Weave and weave, knot and knot; and the pattern somehow emerges and all (even the hidden) comes together as it should. Nicely penned, Grace; and how exciting about your son.

  25. Lovely written piece . . . I seem to be stuck at the moment. Struggling to find the words to start the momentum again. Congratulations to your son and Happy New Year to you all. xox

  26. weave and weave... that is how life goes.....

  27. Congratulations, Grace. I wish your son and his future wife much happiness. Happy New Year :)

  28. The weaving of light, rain - love. Beautiful! And congratulations - how fun it is watching our children grow.

  29. This image was a nice accompaniment...your poem brought a great meaning and depth.

    I love this:

    " awakening trees after
    ice storm with a gentle brush of yellow
    along its bent brittle limbs"

    Wishing you warmth and light as well...thank you!

  30. What a lovely poem, and congratulations to your son! Looking forward to more from you :)

  31. I loved the idea of light trickling through all available options. Bright lights to you too

  32. First of all, congrats for the good news, Grace. Change is coming fast, yes!
    Precious poem, as usual. Light is always shining even for those who prefer darkness.
    Thanks for sharing your beautiful words all along the year.
    A hug and Happy 2014.

  33. I love the way everything is so liquid and flows effortlessly ...

  34. I love the repetition Grace. I applaud your resolutions!

  35. This is wonderful ! You're seeing the fruits of your labor shining at the end of your tunnel. BEAUTIFUL !

  36. There's light underfoot and the rain seeping through the cracks. Just wonderful thoughts beautifully expressed.

    I wish you all the best in 2014, Grace.

  37. Beautiful image and imagery - may 2014 be filled with light for us all - K

  38. I very much enjoyed your post and the photo was brilliant and wonderful way to start the new year

  39. Very fresh imagery. Thanks for sharing your poem.

  40. Happy New Year Grace!
    Beautiful images!
    Congratulations to your son.
    Best wishes,
    Anna's WEP for January 2014

  41. I love how the poem meshed with the images. Thanks for sharing this. My daughter is getting married in June of 2015 and, like you, am along for the ride! I'm really looking forward to this year, changes, putting myself to the test... Happy new year and good luck! Came over from WEP...

  42. Beautiful poem and images. Congrats on the changes and new beginnings. All the best for 2014. Here from WEP.


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