Tuesday, September 3, 2024

cherry's laughter

she would start 

laughing hysterics 

not demurely as the lady with a spanish fan

hiding her mirth

but belly shaking as the dancer with

cymbals, focusing her energy

on thumping the floor

with feet and outstretched hands 

holding a beer bottle or cigarette in the air

as if her lungs cannot hold back the tides

of comic absurdity

of tall tales of hilarity

the sound was contagious as a virus

& we would fall "dying" on the floor

her laugher now echoes in my head

like a bookmarked page

in our family's album

Posted for dVerse Poets Pub - Poetics: Just for Laughs, Hosted by Mish.   Join us at 3pm EST when the virtual doors of our poetry community opens.   Thanks for your visits and comments.


  1. I would wish more of such contageous laughter.... it sounds like a wonderful memory to have.

  2. Love this especially; "belly shaking as the dancer with cymbals, focusing her energy on thumping the floor with feet." Gorgeously rendered, Grace 💖💖

  3. What a vivid snapshot of her character and especially her laugh. Laughter makes such a lasting impression. This really brought a smile to my face.

  4. Lovely way to store her laughter


  5. She sounds like such a fun person! Wonderful memories for you.

  6. Well done, Grace! The wonderful sound of laughter is very contagious!

  7. Contagious like the church giggles! You know you shouldn't laugh but you can't help it 🤣

  8. Your description of her is so fabulous. I can just picture her and hear the laughter she spread by just being her hilarious self. What a great poem.

  9. I love the energy of the scene you’ve created, Grace. I especially like these: “as if her lungs cannot hold back the tides
    of comic absurdity
    of tall tales of hilarity”

    And the end, how you compare the echoes of laughter with a bookmarked page of an album.❤️

  10. This poem conveys the shared joy of laughter so well. Something so worth remembering.

  11. Hi Grace, this is a great poem. An excellent take on the prompt.

  12. What a character - what a portrait - what a memory, Grace

  13. I love the image I got from your description of her laughter.

  14. I love the rich imagery in this Grace


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