Tuesday, December 25, 2012

On Christmas day

Grace @ Everyday Amazing

snow finally came like white dust -
soft as goose feathers in silk duvet

two books, box of chocolates, black bag,
clothes & opened gift bags are neatly piled -

late breakfast & lunch of left-over home-baked food,
wine & cake are prepared on festive tablecloth -

if we play the video of what happened at midnight,
we will see 5 shadowy images amidst laughter - details

escape us but for carefree conversations, fun card games,  
skyping relatives, sharing our blessings together -  

fragile & precious threads, we weave another
Christmas of following family tradition -

warmer, finer than goose feathers in silk duvet 

Posted for D'verse Poets Pub - OpenLinkNight - Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you ~ 


  1. smiles...sounds like you have had a wonderful bit of christmas going on...time with friends...and santa was good for you...got a few books myself....smiles...weave that christmas...make that magic...merry christmas grace..

    1. We just celebrate Christmas by ourselves but we talk and call our relatives all over the world ~

      Still wrapped in Christmas mood ~ Thanks Brian ~

  2. so delightful and warming, Grace..in my country Christmas is not widely celebrated (compared to New Year's day) but i can feel the spirit of it through your poetry. Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year to you~

    1. Christmas is a blessed holiday for our family ~ I can't think of Christmas without my family ~ Thank you Yelena ~

  3. beautiful Grace...weaving traditions the blessed task of every family... tho sadly not all family traditions are full of blessing. I'm glad yours are and that you are enjoying each other's company. Happy Holidays.

    1. I try, we all do ~ Thank you Laura ~

    2. Lovely, warm, cosy, and festive. I like! :))

  4. I really liked this, it provokes beautiful images to dance through my mind. Well written.

  5. Sounds like a great time with family all around, hope a great holiday continues to be found.

  6. Aww, Grace, this is so pretty. That's the only words I can use to describe your word choice, the cadence, the imagery.

    It is soft, comfortable and all together lovely to read.

  7. nice...sounds like a wonderful christmas time, filled with warmth and laughter...warmer, finer than goose feathers in silk duvet ...nice...merry christmas to you grace..

  8. You paint a memorable picture here. Merry Christmas!

  9. ahhh, basking in the warmth of family ! Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays

  10. I really like how you bring up last night. Glad you're having a nice Christmas, Grace.

  11. I like the circle you create in your poem with goose down in a duvet as the standard. Very special.

  12. A wonderful word-picture indeed.

    Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  13. Ah so nice, sounds like a wonderful Christmas, with a dash of snow. Just lovely.

  14. Beautiful. A fun snap shot of your holiday.

    But I had to laugh. Your story line reminded me of my day:

    My Christmas present was a comforter.
    Not because I wanted one, but because my wife was tired of the precious comforter I would not let go of.
    I had it for 22 years now -- real goose down. But it leaks and she sweeps feathers every week.

    I got a new one today. Had a funeral for my old friend. The new one has no smells, no stains -- it is so lonely. But it too will be my friend after we have spent decades together.!

    1. Same here, ours last for years.

      Funny story of your comforter but this was actually what my son wanted ~ it's our gift to him. Its not as thick as his comfortable but its warm and cozy, perfect for our cold winter ~

      Thanks for the visit Sabio ~

  15. To be assembled together among family members is a luxury many just imagined Great that you had that privilege Grace!


  16. These sound like wonderful Christmas traditions, Grace. Hope you had a wonderul day.

  17. Lovely poetry ~ so seasonally wonderful! ~ Wishing you a Happy and Healthy New Year ^_^

    (A Creative Harbor ~ aka ArtMuseDog and Carol ^_^

  18. Excellent! The return at the last line to the words of the opening stanza gives a complete, fulfilling feel to the whole work. Well done!

  19. I love that you repeated my favorite line. What a lovely holiday you've had.

  20. I love the playful view and the tenderness you shared!
    Merry Christmas to you n' yours! :D

  21. Great capture. I can feel the warmth.

  22. I'm wishing for a few snow flurries this Christmas... but not sure it's going to happen. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas!

  23. really nicely written Grace. The details are great. And you know, you mention traditions, and I just love how you bring in Skype, as it's new, but I'm sure it will be, if not, soon become traditions in the way you mention here. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks

  24. Beautiful.

    Merry Christmas.
    Take Care :)

  25. "soft as goose feathers in silk duvet" Love it - and this weave of words!

  26. Beautiful writing about what sounds like a wonderful time. Very nice!

  27. I love the way the modern world of videos and skype is intertwined here with the traditional comfort of duvets and snow and chocolates.

  28. Christmas.. A wonderful time.. Vibrant poem. Happy holidays

  29. a perfect little treat, like christmas seets..
    happy holidays..

  30. Beautiful capture. Happy you had a wonderful holiday :)

  31. what beautiful christmas day you picture Grace;Im happy you had a lovely Christmas: to us christmas is the most important holiday too:))

  32. I just love the comfort of memories and those goose feathers in a silk duvet that you've painted in this one, Grace.

  33. ..nice, soft, memories being made..and fragile as traditions can be lost..

  34. ...Grace, i liked this a lot... i think this one's amongst of my favourite of yours... and though we don't have snow here... your descriptions give me an idea how it is to feel a snow... a very beautiful offering i'd like to read now and again... thank you... and hope you had a great celebration of Christmas... smiles...

  35. I love the feeling I get from this. Soft as that snow. Soft as that

  36. Skyping. Yes. That was warmly welcomed this year. Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas


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