Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Travelling between cities


Sounds from mosque at dawn wakes me up.
It is the first of the five prayer times dividing time
into tidy rooms filled with mats, bodies 
kneeling, prostrating facing Mecca, the holy city.

     as sun circles the sky,
     i marvel at different face
     of God 


Here, mountains frame the city in blue
Here, deep ocean crush shells to fine sand 
Here, forest park cradles ancient totems  

    to highest valley
    i soar with wind, content 
    with my eagle's wings 


Your skin is musky earth
In your native language
Even saying good morning 
Sounds like an invitation 
To go somewhere & everywhere

       my tongue rolls new words 
           no, not melted butter 
           but spice, flaming my guts- 


I saw the biggest waterfall
its mouth, a womb of life 
I gazed at fabled city steeped
in 18th century stories
travel to know the history
of my new country - 

          still, my luggage is filled 
         with jasmine leis and one map-

If I have a boat, I will sail to you
Photography:   Joel Robison

Posted for D'verse Poets Pub -  We are talking about travel poetry~  Hosted by Gabriella ~


  1. What a wonderful opportunity to contemplate the 'different face of God.' So many differences right within a country. One doesn't have to travel far to appreciate them, and the mountains and the forests are a wonderful backdrop to a lovely poem.

  2. I like the picture of Canada you show us in the second stanza but can also feel the nostalgia in your words. Indeed I think we are the sum of the places we have inhabited.

  3. So much to sea indeed, lots of trees and water here, that is for sure haha

  4. Today a country has so many faces.. yes we are never far from new experiences... I love each stanza telling it's own aspect of your country...

  5. this tells me that you and we should recognize that in our differences we are all but 'one'

    wonderful inspiring piece mi amiga

  6. this write is a true gem. All the differences, create an incredible oneness.

  7. what a beautiful journey you took us on... Even saying good morning
    Sounds like an invitation ... love this when a whole country can be found in just the sound of someone's voice

  8. You introduce us to a diversity within the provinces that leap borders. I assume Montreal is like a cross between NYC & Paris. I have done a road trip from BC to Thunder Bay, Ontario, hugging the border. My wife has spent time on PEI on the east coast. Vancouver, for me, was like a clean dream of my town of Seattle; this piece, per usual, is outstanding.

  9. This is so beautiful Grace, I love "a different face of God" and "even saying good morning sounds like an invitation." Lovely!

  10. wow...these are stunning. you capture the world around you; a beautiful painting of words. I enjoyed the accenting italicized stanzas.

  11. Lovely images Grace, you have been and seen some amazing places that is for sure.

  12. I like how you are in here, in the suitcase, the waterfall, the eagle's flight, the faces of God. This is my new favorite of yours as each, tnka like, provides an image of the next phase of a journey.

  13. Grace, I love the way you travel the world within the confines of a country. Beautifully set up and I especially like your little ending poems in each section.


  14. loved that second stanza and the mouth of the waterfall.. beautiful

  15. Yes, the faces of God as the sun circles is wonderful and the mix of poerix styles is interesting - puts a nice spin on the previous stanza.

  16. Lovely use of form, Grace. Beautiful read.

  17. Beautiful. My favourite part was the first 2 lines of the last stanza.

  18. the journey begins with the sound of azan ends with jasmine fragrance...a discovery and nostalgia.....beautiful Grace...

  19. Beautiful beautiful beautiful. To be read a few times and feel the scents and sound. Majestry of words there - utterly sincerely. Thank you very much.

  20. For me this traverses the world, or a world, somewhat near and very far, the sense of being anywhere but (here). You serve the poetry well with glimmers and glimpses sufficient to sate the traveling thirst. And of course the most exotic and wondrous location of all the lover right next to you.

  21. If I had a boat, I'd sail with you, Mary :)

  22. We are all the places we have lived in, come from, are moving to... a great tribute to immigrants and emigrants everywhere...

  23. Thank you for taking us to this place Grace. It seems a place one would want to stay for some time.

  24. It is true, we are human beings, Grace. But only you life of "doing" could prepare you for writing like this. I'd like to STAY there...until time to move on. Everywhere I've EVER been--and liked--ended with a shorter stay than I wanted. Always those things without...calling. It does not have to be that way, does it?
    BEAUTIFUL. Ma'am.

  25. Love how you personalized your land, your first home....lovely ending, Grace.

  26. That last line- Wow!

  27. Beautiful love poem, Grace, universal in time, place and meaning.

  28. I love this, Grace - each stanza, a journey - just really lovely

  29. Oh, so glorious, the learning of the adopted country, the bag still packed with leis, "and one map - you." A suitcase of beautiful things.

  30. this one is gorgeous.......great!!

  31. Vous ĂȘtes les bienvenus mon amour.

    Of course you were speaking of Quebec right?

  32. Wonderful. I didn't know blogspot would be this different from WP. Lol.
    But seriously, here is something different than many other blogs in a good way.

  33. The close of this poem is especially compelling, I thought, Grace. Lovely. k.

  34. Amazing - it evokes how travelling brings home closer somehow : )
    Btw I noticed that "II." is followed again by "II." - you might have overlooked that.


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